Cuffed by A Black Billionaire Read online

Page 8

  “Nice to finally meet you, Shane.” She smiled.

  Right before we left, my mother pulled me to the side. Shane was out in the car waiting on me so we could head back home. I couldn’t help but to chuckle at my mother’s facial expression.

  “No wonder he’s always got the camera in your face, and is bragging about who his girlfriend is. His ass is blessed to be in your presence.” My mother started.

  “Ma, please. He’s handsome, and he treats me amazingly. I love him, and that’s all that matters.” I told her.

  “Well. Something ain’t right about the boy.” She started again. I just shook my head and zipped my coat.

  “Momma, please.” I stated.

  “Okay, as long as you’re happy, I’m fucking ecstatic.” She smiled. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and sent me on my way. When I got in the car Shane, was nervous as hell, it was cute.

  “What’s wrong? What she say?” He asked.

  “Nothing, babe. She just asked if I was genuinely happy and were you treating me right.” I told him.

  “What makes her think I wasn’t treating you right?” He asked.

  “Nothing, Shane, geesh. You need to chill, it’s okay. She likes you.” I told him.

  “Did you tell her I was treating you right?” He smiled.

  “Of course, I told her you treat me like a queen.” I stated.

  “That’s cause I love you. You mean the world to me, and I’ll never let you go, beautiful.” He pecked me on the lips before we got back on the road.

  “I love you too, babe.” I smiled, and leaned back in my seat to take a nap. I was exhausted, and couldn’t wait to get home and into the bed.




  “Damn, Mylaijha, this pussy good as fuck!” This nigga, Keion, pounded me from the back. I was in heaven, having a dick in my pussy, and another one in my mouth.

  “Fuck.” Troy grunted, as he erupted inside my mouth, and that’s when I started to slob him down, while he steadily emptied his nuts.

  “Oh my God.” He thrust into my mouth.

  “Mmmm.” I moaned, loving the effect I had on him.

  “Shit, girl, come catch my nut.” Keion pulled out of me and yelled out, before I could swallow my first load. I did the same thing to him. Making him my bitch as he caressed my head.

  “You so fucking fine. Damn.” He stared down at me.

  As soon as they got done, they cleaned up in my bathroom, while I changed my sheets to my bed. They dropped a few stacks on my dresser before walking out. I smiled and locked up when they left, hurriedly getting in the shower. When I got out, I stood there counting my money, and I was excited as hell, knowing I was about to be able to get my purse and shoes I wanted from Louboutin. I got dressed in a sleeveless, short jumper, and some sandals. I touched up my bundles, running the flat irons through them, before grabbing my purse and heading outside. I climbed in my Audi and headed downtown to the mall.

  After a long day of shopping, I headed to my mother’s to visit my child. As soon as I pulled up, my phone rang, and it was a collect call from Noah. I accepted of course, and he cursed me out, calling me all types of whores and what not. Whatever Noah said to me didn’t really bother me much, because he was the one who pushed me to be this way. He’s the one that introduced me to pills and alcohol. He’s the one who got me pregnant as soon as I turned eighteen. He’s the one who turned me onto my first threesome, and I loved it. Especially when I was high as hell off X or molly. That’s when my pussy really was dripping with anticipation. Now he wanted to say how I needed to stop acting like I was still a teenager and be a mother to our fucking child.

  I hung up on him and walked up to the house my mother got when my father got out. She stayed in a mid-class neighborhood now, and wanted to act like she had sense, since my father had been released. It was all an act, but I kept my mouth closed. I rang the doorbell, waiting on slow and slower to answer the door. My mom answered the door with the same look as always.

  “Mommy.” I heard my daughter say, and I smiled.

  “Hey, princess.” I walked in, hugging her. My baby girl was my world, but I just couldn’t get my shit together. I lost custody of my daughter when she was one years old, and it’s been a struggle since. One of Noah’s hoes called CPS on me, and I’ll admit, I was a hot mess, and it wasn’t a suitable environment for my baby girl to be in, so my mother had custody of her until I could prove to the courts that I was a fit mother.

  “Where’s your grandpa?” I asked.

  “He’s at work.” My daughter answered. I nodded. When I would come and visit, my mother would go in another room, or in the kitchen, while I was here with my daughter. She had every right to, I put my mother through a lot of shit. I gave her a run for her money, but I appreciated her for stepping up when I couldn’t. I helped my daughter get ready for bed and read her a bed time story, before finally heading out. It always fucked with me mentally when I had to leave her. She had stopped asking me when she could come home with me, which was sad.

  “Alright, I’m headed out. Make sure you lock the door.” I told my father.

  “Okay.” My father walked me to my car, making sure I got there safely. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. My dad was the only one who tried to understand me honestly. He didn’t give up on me like my mother and sister did, but I didn’t blame them. I climbed in my car and was in one of my moods, like usual. My phone rang, and it was my bitch, Amara.

  “Hey, boo.” She sang in the phone.

  “Hey.” I said.

  “Un uh. You all dry. You still coming over?” She asked.

  “No, I think I’mma head home.” I told her.

  “No, no, no! Bitch, don’t start with that shit. You must’ve just left Angel.” She asked.


  “Come over. I can think of a few ways to cheer you up.” She purred into the phone. I shook my head, and headed over to my best friend’s crib. I used my key to walk in, and was taking my shoes off. This bitch was already twisted, and I needed to get on her level, badly.

  “What you drinking?” I asked.

  “Here, I’ll make you one.” She smiled.

  “I got this dude coming over in a few. What you trying to do?” She asked, as she handed me the cup. I instantly chugged it before asking for a refill.

  “That’s strong as fuck.” I stood up, walking to the kitchen.

  “I know, right. That’s why I’m over here fucked up.” She giggled. She handed me a full cup of it again. I chugged it again, while she walked off. When she came back she stuck out her tongue, that had two pills stuck to it. Without a second thought, I tongue kissed her, battling for my pill, as she grabbed two handfuls of my ass.

  Noah started me and Amara together. We used to have threesome’s all the time, but then it came to a point that me and Amara would just have sex with each other. Pretty soon, we went to the bed, and she was eating me out as if her life depended on it. When I finally opened my eyes, it was this fine ass, paid nigga, Zell. He ran with the Ken, P, and Zo, and my pussy got wetter at the thought of fucking his sexy paid ass.

  “Mmm, hey, big daddy.” I purred, waving my finger for him to come closer and he did, unzipping his pants, and putting his wood in my face. Without hesitation, I tried to swallow him whole. Say what you want about me, but I knew I wasn’t perfect. I knew that one day all this shit would catch up with me, but I was living for the moment.



  “It don’t matter if you got a past got a past. Cause I ain’t got nothing to do with that do with that, do with thattt. I wanna touch you,” Teyana’s ‘Broken Hearted Girl,’ blared through the speakers, as Todd, my camera man, got every angle of me and two of my students. We worked the camera like we owned it, as everyone cheered us on.

  “Yasss. Y’all better work.” I heard.

  “Get it, Shianne!” They yelled.

  I had finally stepped out on faith, and even th
ough it was a long ass process, I eventually was running several classes here, and this was my own personal studio at this building. After I finished, the next group was up, and we restarted the song. I stared at the girl who was in the middle looking like a stallion. Her entire persona changed when the music came on. I was so grateful for her, because she played a huge roll in my success. As Fabulous rapped, she hit every move, making sure to add her own sauce to it.

  “You better fuck it up, BF!” I stood, yelling at her, as she dropped down into a split and worked the camera with her wild curly hair. She smiled, slowly arching her back, and then backing it up on her invisible man. She made that part look so good.

  “Oh my God, I just love her!” Derrick shook his head.

  “Yasss!” They all cheered her on, and I squatted down, nodding my head as she hit the rest of the moves on the floor, cheering her on.

  “Yassssss!” I screamed, as they wrapped it up.

  We closed out our session in prayer, as usual, and everyone headed out, with a couple of people coming to take a picture with me, of course. I had people driving hours away just to come to a class. When people were vacationing, they signed up for one of my classes. I was just so blessed, and I loved it. I walked over to my bestie and sat down right next to her.

  “Why every time you come to my class you leave my damn dance floor on fire?!” I shrieked.

  “Girl, bye. I was just trying to keep up with you. But you be doing too much.” Aliyanna laughed.

  “Forreal, that was amazing. The camera loves you and your beauty, Yanni.” Todd came up to us saying.

  “Thanks, love.” She smiled. He told me he was going to send the video over, and I thanked him as usual, before he walked out. It was just her and I. I stood up, plugging my phone up to the speakers, locking the door. I just hit shuffle on my playlist, and the first song that came on was The Dream, ‘She Rocking That Shit.’ I laughed and just went with it.

  “See, all you know is play.” Aliyanna rolled her eyes and chugged her Gatorade as I just freestyled. I loved after my class session with Aliyanna. We would come up with new routines for the class and everything. This girl held a special place in my heart.

  “That I’m hooked on your bodyyy” I sang, as I bent her over in front of me, and she hit the splits, while I stepped over her, and we started clowning as the bass dropped.

  After an hour or so of us clowning, we swept and mopped, cleaning off the mirrors before heading out. We headed to grab some food. When we got to the restaurant we were seated, and I instantly started on the bread.

  “Dang, but did you pray first?” Lee joked.

  “Girl, you so irritating. I’m hungry.” I told her.

  “Yeah, uh huh. Are we ready for this Miami trip next week though?” She asked.

  “Girl, too ready. If my cousins and them ain’t on shit, then we just gon’ do our own shit.” I shrugged.

  “Exactly.” She agreed.

  “How’s work been going?” I asked.

  “Girl, good, actually. I love it, I’ll be so glad when I finish paying my student loans by the end of the year. Then I can finally get my new car I want.” She did a happy dance.

  “I’m so proud of you. You such a boss at twenty-four though.” I smiled.

  “Girl, you too! I just thank the Lord I was able to take college courses early, and have the school pay for them, because if not, I don’t know what I would do.” She rolled her eyes. I shook my head.

  We ate and headed our separate ways. Ever since we’d met in college, we’d been friends ever since. Although it wasn’t convenient how I met her, I was grateful that I’d met her and found her when I did.

  I was coming home from a late class, and I had just walked up the steps to my apartment. I walked in, stripping as usual, but it was unusually loud below me. I knew it was a couple who stayed down there, but I rarely ever heard them argue. It was weird coming from them two, because I thought Shane was a good guy. I’d never met his girl, but he always bragged about her, and how good of a woman she was.

  “I’m not letting you leave me. We can get through this.” Shane’s deep voice yelled. I couldn’t make out what the girl was saying. Apparently, she was leaving his ass. I ignored them, turning my TV up, and eating some chips I had. They went at it forever, and I finally dozed off for a nap. I woke up when I heard a loud bang, that made me jump out of my sleep. I heard a car start shortly after, hearing tires screeching. I walked over to my window and saw Shane’s car was gone. I shrugged, and continued to watch TV. I went to pull my phone out, only to realize I left it in the car.

  “FUCK!” I screamed out. I slipped on some sweats and a shirt before sliding in my slippers and walking down the steps to go to my car and get my phone. Once I locked my car back up, I strolled back up the steps, and was just about to go up, when I noticed Shane’s apartment door half way open. I went to reach and close the door, when something stuck out like a sore thumb. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me as I saw an arm on the floor of the bedroom doorway.

  “Shane?” I called out. I instantly regretted coming to his door. I started to turn around and mind my fucking business, but then I thought, what if something was wrong with Shane? What if this girl done killed him and drove off in his car? I walked in, instantly unlocking my phone to call nine one one, walking closer to whoever was on the ground, but it wasn’t Shane.

  “Can you hear me?” I squatted down, and dialed emergency.

  “Nine one one, what’s your emergency?” She asked. I lifted the girl’s head up and screamed out. I instantly started panicking. I couldn’t believe my neighbor had done this.

  “I need help right away. I don’t even know if this girl is still alive.” I told her.

  When I found Yanni on that floor of her ex’s apartment, I never knew we’d grow as close as we were now. She was the sister I never knew I wanted. We were the same age, and literally, three months apart. When I got home, I showered and grabbed my Superman ice cream before plopping on my couch to watch TV and edit my video, so I could post it on my YouTube channel. Every day I was gaining more, and more, subscribers, it was crazy. I was getting paid decently from YouTube, on top of my classes and everything else I had going on. My phone rang as I was wrapping up posting the video.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “What’s up, sis?” My brother said. I instantly rolled my eyes, already knowing where this was going.

  “You tell me, Dro. What’s up with you and all this drama you got going on?” I asked.

  “Shit, I don’t know what to say. I mean, I got caught up in some shit.” He started.

  “Yeah, you think? Why would you think it was okay to cheat on your girl with her best friend?” I asked. He exhaled deeply and I could hear the agitation in his tone.

  “I ain’t really call to talk about all that.” He snapped.

  “Well, what did you call to talk about?” I asked.

  “I called to see if I could borrow some money, I’m broke as fuck.” He started.

  “And whose fault is that? Because last time I checked, you were a grown ass man.” I snapped, unintentionally.

  “You know what? Ever since you got famous, and started making money, you been acting different.” He started.

  “What? Acting funny? Famous? I’m not famous, and I’m not acting funny, but the only time you call me is for me to do something for you!” I snapped.

  “Do you got the five hundred to give me or not?” He yelled.

  “HELL NO!” I yelled back and then hung up.

  My family was a fucking nuisance. When I told them I was going to drop out and pursue my dreams, they all dogged me out. No one would help me out or nothing. My parents practically disowned me, but enabled my older brother and sister, who were still not doing shit with their ‘degrees.’ Whenever anyone needed money, they would ask me, and at first, I would help out, but then when I hit a low point again, and asked for help, they looked at me funny. Ever since then, I said fuck them, and kept it
pushing. When I got put out of my apartment, only person who looked out for me was my best friend. She was literally, all I had, and I was grateful for her.


  “I’m in Miami, BITCH!” I yelled, as we walked through Ft Lauderdale airport.

  “Yasss, looking like one big group, full of bad bitches.” My cousin, Rae, said, into her Snapchat.

  “I can’t wait to get to the room, because listen. Look, Instagram, we got y’all fav with us.” My cousin, Shae, put the camera on me, and I smiled.

  “Say wassup Shi the dancer!” She urged.

  “Wassup?” I smirked, and walked off.

  “I know my luggage better turn up soon.” Yanni snapped. I laughed at her. Her suitcase was the last thing being thrown on the luggage carousel.

  “Girl, I was about to say. Miss Pharmacist about to be shit outta luck.” Shae joked.

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m not, huh?” Yanni said.

  We got checked into our room on Ocean Drive, and took showers, getting dressed. I had a bottle of Dus’se that I was cracking open. I closed the door as Yanni came out the shower. My cousins were leeches, and loved to drink shit they didn’t put in on.

  “Come on, bitch, shots.” I told her, opening the bottle and pouring our glasses. She watched intently, before grabbing her glass and downing her shots. I was so happy Yanni had long ago grown comfortable enough to get shit faced with me.

  “Ehh, that’s strong!” She looked at me bug eyed.

  We drank that whole bottle while in the room getting dressed. My friend did her hair and put in her contacts before we finally were heading down to the strip. The weather was beautiful, and all though I was tired as fuck, I kept it pushing. I could sleep when I was dead. We went to Wet Wellies to get a drink.

  “Them drinks done snuck up on me friend.” Yanni wrapped her arms around me, and drunkenly said. I couldn’t help but to laugh at her.