In My Feelings Over His Hood Love 2 Read online

Page 7

  “Wassup Ms. Monroe.” I heard a deep voice.

  “Hello, Kato. how are you?” she said. I heard the front door close, and my heart fucking dropped.

  “I’m not doing too well, you haven’t heard from Tejha?” he asked. I was so fucking still standing up, I was scared to make a peep.

  “She’s called me here and there but other than that nothing,” my mother lied.

  “When the last time she called?” he asked, and I could hear the impatience in his voice. Kato, please just leave. My heart was beating out of my chest.

  “Maybe a couple of days ago,” she lied again. He chuckled.

  “Oh yeah?” he asked, last he knew I hadn’t been speaking to my mother, so he probably was trying to call her bluff.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to tell you,” she reiterated.

  “You sure you haven’t seen her,” he pressed.

  “Yes, I’m sure, and you can go ahead and see yourself out the door. If Tejha wanted to talk to your crazy, funny looking ass, she would’ve contacted you,” she snapped, and I tried to hold my laughter. I heard him chuckle.

  “Alright Miss Monroe, you got that. But let Montejha know, that she can’t hide from me. All she doing is just pissing me off even more,” he spat in a chilling tone.

  “I’ll be sure to relay the message even though I’m sure she don’t give a damn about how pissed off you are. Good day Khaos.” She slammed the door. I got up and peeked out the window, making sure not to move the curtain. He was driving his Avalanche and peeled out the driveway with an urgency.

  “Montejha what the fuck was that all about?” she asked, surprising me.

  “Mom, you scared the crap out of me.” I clutched my chest.

  “The shit you into, you shouldn’t be so scared easily,” she snapped. I just looked at her, and she stared at me, and for the first time in my life, I saw my mother genuinely concerned for my wellbeing. I shook my head.

  “You don’t gotta worry mom. I’ll be out of here in the morning, and you won’t have to worry about me anymore,” I told her.

  “Montejha, I’m more worried about you now, than I have been your entire life. What you said to me the last time we talked really hurt to hear. But I’m glad you expressed yourself and how you felt. You are my baby girl, my pride and my joy and I have always been proud of you. I have always admired your strength and your independence. I would always thank God for you because with two kids I knew I was doomed, especially as years went on and Monte got more and more out of control,” she started.

  “But you, my baby girl was beautiful and full of attitude. You did everything on your own, every good thing you did, Monte would fuck some shit up. Now looking back onto it, I think he would do it on purpose. I’m sorry Montejha, I thought you didn’t want my affection or attention because every time I would say something, you would give me so much attitude. The day you told me you hate me.” Her voice cracked.

  “I remember it so clearly, I was so fucked up when you told me that. I know I wasn’t perfect, but I didn’t think you hated me. I don’t think our relationship ever healed from that day. It’s like I was mad at you and myself even more. I told myself, maybe it’s all my fault. I just need to give her some space,” she cried. My eyes watered because I remember the exact day she was talking about.

  “I’m sorry mom. I don’t hate you, I’m just really angry and frustrated with you. I felt like you didn’t care about me at all, you were always so concerned with Monte. I just felt like orphan Annie,” I told her honestly.

  “I hate that you felt that way. I hate that it’s took us so long to finally get this out, I hate that it’s taken me so long to realize Monte is a grown man and going to do what he wants to do, and I can’t coddle him my whole life. But most importantly I hope you forgive me and hear me when I tell you Montejha baby I apologize to you from the bottom of my heart. I hope that you and I can work toward mending our broken hearts and work toward the mother-daughter relationship we should’ve been had,” she said. We hugged tightly, and I felt such a relief expressing myself and her actually hearing me. When we hugged, she looked down at my belly, and I started crying even more.

  Wiping my tears, she asked me what was really going on, and I gave it to her raw no chaser. I told her about all this shit I had going on in my crazy ass life. For the first time, she listened to me. Actually, sat there and listened to me while I cried, cussed and cried so more. After I was done venting, she helped me conclude that I needed to have a real conversation with him and lay all the cards on the table. Because hiding this pregnancy from him wasn’t right at all and she was right. She went in her room, and I typed the number in I knew by heart into my message bar. I sent him a text saying that I wanted to have dinner with him tomorrow so we could talk about everything. He texted me back quick as hell.

  BD: Where you at, let’s get this shit over with now.

  Me: I’m tired Kato, I swear just let me sleep peacefully tonight. I promise you we’ll link tomorrow.

  He didn’t even text back. After waiting a good ten minutes, I plugged my phone up, pressed play on my iPad, said my prayers and attempted to get some sleep.

  The next morning, I got up, threw on some leggings and shirt with my jean jacket on top of it. I was cute yet comfortable, and my belly was on full display for the first time today. I was heading to Biggby to get me a buttabear. I had become addicted to those things, even though it wasn’t good for me. I tried to eat clean for the most part but sometimes the baby got the best of me, and I ate sweets or whatever else I wanted. When I pulled up, I got out because I had to pee once again. I hurriedly walked in and placed my order and ran to the bathroom. I washed my hands, fixing my hair when my phone rang. I stopped in my tracks, digging through my purse to grab my phone.

  “Hello,” I answered.

  “Did you make that damn doctor’s appointment like I told you.” My auntie instantly started in on me.

  “No, they just opened, and I was just about to call them,” I told her. I hadn’t been to the doctor since my ultrasound, and they told me my baby was healthy and prescribed me my prenatal vitamins. Shit, I had been back and forth so much, I just kept having to reschedule it.

  “Now, Montejha and I ain’t gone tell you again. Did you go talk to your mother like I told you?” she asked.

  “Yes, it actually went well.” I walked out the bathroom while she was talking in my ear. I ran into him again. It was Fabian. I had met him months ago when Yani dragged me out for her birthday. He seemed like a cool guy, so I gave him my number, and we have been keeping in touch.

  “We just keep running into each other.” He smiled.

  “Who the fuck is that!” my auntie yelled in my ear.

  “My friend, auntie. I’ll call you right back.” I hung up before she could say anything else.

  “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were following me,” I said, giving him a side hug.

  “Maybe, a girl as fine as you would have me running crazy.” He smiled.

  “I guess we’ll never find out.” I smirked, grabbing my drink and sandwich. He just gave me a smirk and shrugged. He grabbed his drink and walked in front of me holding the door open. I sipped my buttabear as he started his speech. Fabian wanted me so bad, but he just rubbed me the wrong way at times. Like right now, what the fuck were you doing at Biggby while I was here. Maybe he was following me.

  “What are you doing here anyway?” I asked him.

  “You got me addicted to these shits honestly. I was on my way to work and saw how long the drive-thru was and decided to come in. Didn’t know I was gonna run into you though.” He smirked. I nodded. My phone was ringing once again.

  “I see you’re expecting, you didn’t tell me that.” His entire demeanor changed. He was scowling at my stomach.

  “It’s not really your business honestly,” I told him.

  “If it’s mine then I have the right to know,” he said. I instantly frowned at him, was he crazy. I nev
er in my life had sex with him, but I didn’t even get a chance to respond to him before he had a gun held to my stomach.

  “Walk to your car, or I’ma pull the trigger,” he spat. I didn’t say shit, I just walked to my car and got in. He held a gun to my head in the backseat.

  “Back up and drive. Don’t try no slick shit or I’ma blow yo’ shit smooth the fuck off bitch. You gone get pregnant on me, huh. That was supposed to be my baby.”


  “Aye we gotta head on out.” I went back in the house, and Zu told me.

  “Alright let’s go,” I told him.

  “You good?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m straight now get yo’ crazy looking ass outta my face. Where the fuck is Dreux?” I asked.

  “He upstairs with his girl,” Zu answered.

  “DREUX!” I yelled, going upstairs. I knocked on the bedroom door.

  “AY NIGGA WE GOTTA ROLL!” I yelled through the door.

  “Get yo’ big head ass away from my door, here I come!’ he yelled back. Zu was laughing at this nigga. I made my way back downstairs and in the kitchen. I grabbed my plate that momma Gibbs made me and started smashing that shit. She came around the corner and smiled at me.

  “Slow down boy, you act like you starving.” She laughed.

  “This good as hell Momma Gibbs, thank you,” I told her.

  “If you get yo’ shit together, you wouldn’t be over here harassing my baby for a home-cooked meal.” She pursed her lips. I chuckled, momma Gibbs was blunt as fuck, and I couldn’t do shit but respect it.

  “I don’t be harassing nobody Momma Gibbs, I just be hungry. I’ma big dude, I gotta eat,” I told her.

  “Umhmm, when you plan on doing right by my daughter?” she asked.

  “What? I don’t say nothing out the way to Yani, she be coming at me,” I told her.

  “Not Kaiyani’s narrow behind. Montejha, you know she misses you,” she started.

  “I miss her too. Montejha stubborn and she hate me right now. I can’t force her to talk to do shit, my bad momma Gibbs. But I can’t force her to do what she don’t want to. I know I hurt her, but I knew if I had strung her along while I was doing my shit she would be hurt even more,” I told her. She nodded and stared up at me.

  “Just you admitting that right now lets me know how much you’ve grown. She has a reason to be mad, but don’t give up on her. She needs you right now,” she stressed. I frowned at her.

  “You ready nigga.” Dreux walked in, interrupting our conversation. She winked at me and walked off.

  “Yeah, let’s roll.” I threw my plate away.

  We headed to the warehouse, and they had Slim tied up in a chair. I chuckled and walked up to him putting my gloves on. This nigga was looking up at me, and I removed the gag from his mouth. He instantly started coughing and being dramatic.

  “What the fuck is this Khaos, I know we had a disagreement,” he started, but I quickly punched him in his fucking mouth and shook my head.

  “Nah, apparently we got more than that my dude. It’s been brought to my attention that you been working with some niggas to take me and the family out,” I told him calmly.

  “I swear to God, I ain’t got shit to do with that,” he spat as blood spilled from his mouth. I ain’t say shit, just pulled out my Glock and shot him in his knee.

  “AHHH, AHHHH FUCKK.” He started crying like a bitch. I stood there waiting for him to get it all out.

  “What the fuck! Please bruh, please,” he begged.

  “You saying everything, but what I need to hear from you,” I told him.

  “I told you, man, I ain’t got shit to do with NOTHING!” he screamed at him.

  “I’m telling you, nigga, Khaos I swear to God nigga,” he pleaded. I nodded.

  “Bring me the acid.” I stood up and smirked. He could play tough all day, but this shit was about to make him bitch up.

  After I got rid of all my shit and went to the crib to shower. I headed straight to Tejha crib. It was pitch black, I knew she wasn’t in there. She was about to piss me the fuck off. I tracked her whip down, and it ended me up at some apartments. Who the fuck she knew out here? I rode down the street and smirked pulling in her mother’s driveway. Her momma told me she ain’t seen her which I knew was a fucking lie, but I wasn’t about to press the old lady. I wasn’t dumb, but I left her momma crib anyway.

  Shortly after I left her momma, she texted me. I was sick of her childish ass, but I couldn’t make her do shit. I went to the crib, fed Roxy and watch tv all night. I couldn’t sleep but maybe thirty minutes tops, I had too many fucking enemies, and I couldn’t rest until I found these niggas.

  Next morning, I had to run out of town today to go check out this property. I had put it off for a few hours, but when she didn’t hit me up all day, I knew what time it was. She was full of shit, and I wasn’t about to play this little kid games with her ass. I headed out.

  After looking at the property, the realtor Kesha offered to take me out to eat since I told her a nigga was starving. I ain’t have shit else to do so we pulled up to this Mexican place and grabbed some food. We went inside and sat down as I looked at this bitch. She was a pretty light skinned girl, long weave down her back with them fake ass lashes. I couldn’t stand them shits, or maybe it was the fact that she kept batting her eyes that made them noticeable.

  “So, what brings you all the way here in search of your new business venture?” she asked.

  “It’s a busy city. I was passing through here when I noticed it,” I told her.

  “Well, I think they’ll take your offer,” she spoke, sipping her water.

  “Yeah, hopefully,” I told her.

  “So, what does a handsome guy like you do in his spare time?” she asked.

  “I’m a very busy man. I don’t have much spare time,” I told her.

  “Oh really? Well, I guess I can understand that. But what if someone can make it worth your while.” She winked. I chuckled.

  “You don’t want none of me shorty, plus aren’t you engaged or some shit like that?” I asked her. She quickly frowned.

  “What, how I mean what makes you think that?” she asked.

  “I don’t know, maybe that rock on yo’ finger.” I took a bite of my food.

  “Oh, this, this is nothing. I just want one night.” She licked her lips.

  “One night for what?” I asked.

  “One night to show you, I’m worth making time for,” she purred. I looked in her eyes, and I knew this bitch was up to something.

  “Nah, I’ma pass,” I told her, getting the waitress attention.

  “Yeah, I think this will cover the bill. You keep the change,” I told her, handing her three crisp hundreds.

  “Wait, I’ll be back with your change,” she urged. I stood and shook my head.

  “Nah, you keep it,” I told her. Her eyes filled up with tears.

  “Thank you so much,” she stressed.

  “I’ll be in touch with you, business purposes only,” I told Kesha. She just nodded as I walked out.

  I headed to the gas station before heading to the crib. One thing about having a truck, these bitches were gas guzzlers. I pulled up and hopped out walking in the store, grabbed me a few backwoods and some chips before walking to the counter.

  “Let me get eighty on pump two lil momma and a couple of backwoods,” I told her.

  “Okay, can I get your ID?” she asked. I chuckled before pulling my shit out and sliding it to her.

  “Okay, that’ll be eighty-five even,” she said. I paid her, pumped my gas before hitting the road. I had half the mind to go by Tejha crib, but she would reach out to me when she was ready, I guess right now she wasn’t ready. I was on the highway almost to the crib when my phone rang, interrupting me and Jeezy. I answered the unknown call, and it was this bitch Kensli. I hit ignore and blocked her dumb ass. She ain’t have shit to say to me. When the DNA results came back as negative, I could’ve personally flown to heav
en to thank the man in person. I dodged a bullet, and that shit had me keeping my shit in my pants. Only bitch I wanted kids with was Mo, but she was on good bullshit right now, so that wasn’t happening anytime soon.


  I was smoking a blunt and hitting some pushups blasting future mixtape. It had been a good week since I had seen T. Ever since we knocked off Slim, Oden and his boys had been laying real fucking low. Every spot Slim told us before he died had been abandoned abruptly. It was alright, ‘cause I would find these motherfuckers. I had been searching since I got back, but my pops told me to just lie low because they would find them motherfuckers. So, I finally came to the crib and crashed. But this morning I woke up and took Roxy for a run. She was tired as fuck, had hid from my ass for a while. I was good and about to hit two hundred when Roxy started barking like crazy. I quickly got up and grabbed my Glock heading to where she was. Somebody was banging on the front door like a true ass hole. I snatched that motherfucker open so quick and was met with a Zu and Dreux.

  “Damn, you having a house party in this bitch or what.” Zu walked in. When they walked in, it was people I didn’t fucking know came in behind them. My pops, Uncle and then a lady and another big motherfucker along with Kaiyani and Tejha momma. I frowned.

  “Who the fuck is all these extra motherfuckers in this bitch?” I asked.

  “You might wanna take a seat bro.” Dreux said.

  “For what? What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Let’s just sit down, take a moment.” My pops stood in front of me. I looked at him like he was crazy.