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Cuffed by A Black Billionaire Page 4
Cuffed by A Black Billionaire Read online
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“What’s up?”
“Hey, Yanni here?” I asked.
“Yeah, she in her room.” She said, walking off. I took off my shoes and walked to her room. I walked in and she was moving her body like I’ve never seen before, in her own world. I was completely shocked, Aliyanna was a big nerd, a prude, stuck up, however you put it. But I loved her regardless. We grew up together, and she was beautiful, with the glasses and frizzy braids. I stood there watching her, in her own world, as she did some move and turned facing me. She jumped back, snatching her ear plugs out.
“God, you scared the crap outta me. What the hell are you doing here? Why weren’t you at school?” She asked, in one breath.
“No, why you didn’t tell me you could move like that? What the hell, Iman?” She shrugged.
“What the hell?” I asked.
“You never asked.” She sat on her bed.
“Girl, you need to be in the videos, shit, you got the body for it.” I told her.
“If that’s the case, so do you.” She rebutted, and I instantly thought of the news I got this morning.
“Not for long.” I told her, plopping on her bed. She frowned, looking at me.
“What you mean?”
“That’s why I wasn’t at school today. I had to go to the clinic, doctors, or whatever, and they told me I’m three months pregnant.” I told her.
“Wait, what?” She stood.
“I thought you stopped messing with him? You promised me!”
“I haven’t. You heard me say three months. I’ve only been done with him a month. I wouldn’t lie to you, best friend, especially about something serious like this. I haven’t talked to him, but I have to tell him I’m pregnant with his child.” I told her. She shook her head no.
“I don’t know. What if he gets mad and puts his hands on you, harming the baby or something?” She stood up.
“I’m going to call him first. I don’t know. I know I can’t keep it from him.” I told her. She nodded.
“Okay. Just be careful, and know that I’m on standby with the police.” She hugged me. I nodded and hugged her too. I loved my best friend, she was young, but filled with wisdom.
“I’m worried about his wife too, I mean, they already attacked you with blades and stuff. She’s really going to try and hurt you now. We have to be careful, Tay. Cause if something happens to you and my baby, then I’ll never forgive myself.” She stressed.
“I’ll be fine. I’m not worried about none of them. We gon’ be alright. But I’mma go home and tell my momma, even though she ain’t gon’ give a damn.” I told her.
“Okay. Call me later.” She told me. I nodded, and walked out and back to my building.
Walking into my mother’s apartment, she was in her bedroom, as usual, eating. My mother was a heavier woman. She was lazy, mean, and always blaming others for her mishaps. She didn’t really care what I did, because she was too busy in her own world, doing whatever it was that she did. I knocked on her bedroom door, and she told me to wait a minute. After waiting for like five minutes, she finally told me to come in. Some random, scrawny man, was walking out as I left.
“What the hell you want?” She asked.
“Hey. I was coming to tell you,” I paused. She lit her Newport and looked me up and down.
“Well? I ain’t got all day.” She barked.
“I’m pregnant, by Vontae.” I started, and she scoffed, looking out the window.
“I knew it. I knew yo dumb ass was gon’ go this route. You happy now?” She asked.
“What? What do you mean? No, I’m not happy, but I have no other choice but to deal with it.” I told her.
“You so damn stupid, get the hell outta my face. I just can’t stand the sight of you right now. GET THE FUCK OUT!” She screamed, and I hurriedly walked to my room.
I had been dealing with being called every name in the book by mother majority of my life. She was like a big bully, honestly. My mother was almost six feet, and a solid three fifty or more. She would always cuss me out, or put her hands on me. It wasn’t fair at all, I didn’t ask to be here, and I didn’t deserve to be treated like someone’s ragdoll. When she found out my ex-boyfriend was hitting me, she didn’t even react to it like one would expect. She just shook her head and said that a man would only do what my dumb ass allowed, and if I put up with it, then I deserved it.
I sat on the edge of my bed, mind running a mile a minute, as I scrolled through my contact log. I had long ago deleted this nigga number, but he was still in my phone somewhere. I ended up going to my voicemails and listened to the most recent one to make sure it was his number. Hearing his voice brought back so many bad and good memories. I finally hit the call back option and put the phone to my ear. Almost on the first ring he answered.
“Tay, baby?” He answered. I cleared my throat.
“Tay, look. I’m sorry all the shit I put you through, but I love the fuck outta you, girl. I wanna see you, where you at?”
“I didn’t call you for all that, Vontae.” I told him.
“Well I’m telling you. How you just gon’ up and leave a nigga when I told you, you were my everything?” He admitted.
“You’re married.” I stated facts. He got quiet.
“And I deserve more than being someone’s mistress. I’m not going there with you again, I just wanted to let you know that we’re expecting.” I blurted out.
“Nah, you playing.” He stated.
“I’m not playing with you.” I told him.
“I’m outside yo momma crib, come out.” He hung up. I shook my head and sat in my bed, contemplating on whether to go outside. Finally getting up, I grabbed the sonogram pictures they took, before grabbing my keys and putting on my slippers. I walked outside and up to his money green Charger, climbing in. He looked at me, and I took out the picture in my hand, handing it to him. He stared at it for a while, and we sat there in silence.
“So you pregnant with my first born?” He asked.
“I guess so.”
“Man, this shit so crazy.” He exhaled loudly.
“Yeah, it is, but now that you know, we can move accordingly. I don’t know if you want to be involved or not.” I started.
“Don’t insult me like that, Taylynn. Of course, I want to be a part of my child’s life.” He snapped.
“Okay. Are you going to tell your wife?” I asked.
“Man, I ain’t got no damn wife. Like I tell everybody else, that’s my ex fiancé. She crazy as fuck, but that’s partially my fault, since I kept fucking with her.” He said.
“Then why everybody say you married?” I asked.
“I don’t know, shit, wish I could tell you, cause I’ve never been married. You hungry?” He asked.
“Yeah, I am actually.” I told him. He smirked and turned his car back on, heading to grab me some food.
I ended up staying the night at his house, because after I ate the food, I was knocked out for the night. I was thankful it was the weekend. We talked about everything, and actually got a lot of stuff off our chests. It was a much-needed conversation, that was long overdue. I was grateful for it, and glad I came. We were going to work on being the best co parents right now, but he said he wasn’t going to stop until he won me back as his woman.
It had been a crazy few months. Me and Yanna were set to walk across the stage in two weeks, and I couldn’t be more excited. I was very much pregnant and showing. I was enjoying my pregnancy, but Vontae’s ex made it hard sometimes. She’d been on a roll ever since she found out I was pregnant. She’s threatened to kill me and my baby, she busted out the windows to my mom’s car, and everything. She’s a freaking lunatic, and I had to file a restraining order against her while I was pregnant. But I swore as soon as I dropped this baby, I was fucking her up, on sight. I told Vontae that, and he wanna act like it’s not gon’ happen, but it was, because she had me fucked up. I wasn’t too worried about her though.
> “You like these?” I asked Yanna.
“Girl, no, you not gon’ have my baby in these overalls.” She giggled.
“Whatever. I think they cute.” I sat them back down. Like I said, life was good. I was due to graduate in like two weeks. I practically lived with Vontae, because my mother was on some other shit. Yanni had forgiven him somewhat, he always said he never knew she talked so much, since we talked every day. He thought she was just a quiet nerd, but he heard her on the phone going off one day and was surprised. My friend was smiling more these days. It was such a joy to see, that my baby could bring her smile back.
“What you looking at, creep?” She asked.
“My beautiful friend.” I told her.
“Whatever. Let’s get this and these and head out. I have to meet Mylo at the house, since she got caught with that boy at the house. Girl, my momma tried to beat the black off her.” Aliyanna shook her head.
“Girl, as she should’ve. Mylo too dang on young to be doing what she doing. It’s that hoe, Amara, that influences her.” I rolled my eyes, making my way to checkout.
“Exactly, and I told Momma she didn’t need to be hanging with her no more, but Mylo still be talking to her and stuff.” She told me.
“Just these four items for you, ladies?” The cashier interrupted. I nodded, paid, and we walked out. I ended up hanging with my best friend the rest of the day. I didn’t leave until later that night. I was going to stay at my mother’s, since Vontae was out of town for a few days. I was too tired to deal with her sarcastic comments, or her calling me stupid, so I headed to Vontae’s apartment to get a good night rest. I stopped to grab me some bread sticks from Little Caesars, and some wings, before heading there. I walked in the apartment, setting my food down I went to shower and put on my pajamas, so I could eat.
I couldn’t sleep, so I ended up face timing Vontae. He didn’t answer but texted me that he would call me in like ten minutes. I shrugged it off and scrolled through Facebook for a few. I felt my baby moving, I guess it was trying to get comfortable as well. I had to wait on Vontae to come back before we went to find out the gender of our baby. I decided to randomly text Yanni, and tell her how much I appreciated her being here for me throughout life, ending it with would she be my baby’s god mother. I smiled, because I knew she was gon’ be hyped. I put my phone on the charger, and as soon as I got comfortable, I swore I heard the door opening. I turned the TV off, and somebody was for sure in the house. Before I could swing my feet around onto the floor, the bedroom door flew open, and it was Vontae’s crazy ass ex. She had this deranged look in her eyes.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” I yelled at her.
“I had to come see if the rumors were true.” She said.
“Girl, get yo ass outta here, before I call the police on yo crazy ass.” I snapped, standing and getting out the bed.
“It’s true. He left me for your young ass?” Her voice cracked, but when her eyes zoomed in on my belly, I grew uncomfortable.
“You really are pregnant, by him?” She said, in a soft voice.
“Okay, bitch, I gave you the opportunity to leave willingly, but you pushing me today I see. I can’t wait to drop this baby, because you been so crazy since I been pregnant. I just want that same energy when I’m able body.” I went to grab my phone, and before I could hit the button, this bitch had pushed me into the nightstand, making me instantly hit the floor. My fucking side was killing me, but I still tried to get up off the floor.
“You crazy ass, bit, AHHHH.” Before I could even finish my sentence, this bitch had stabbed me in my back.
“I ain’t hear you! Crazy, what? Yeah. You. Stole. My husband from me, bitch. I told you I was gon’ kill you and yo stupid ass baby. You. Stole. Everything. From. Me.” She spat, as she continued to stab me. I was in so much pain, I think my body went into numbness. My only hope was that somebody found me soon, or heard my screams, because I couldn’t move. She had walked out the apartment after stomping me in my stomach, and spitting a glob of spit in my face. I knew that my baby was gone, my only wish was that God took me too, because there was no me without my child.
I woke up to a text from Taylynn, asking me to be the baby’s god momma. The text message made me smile hugely. I was so happy things were working out for my friend. She had even said she was going to enroll in the community college in town for the first two years, then transfer once the baby turned two. I was excited for her and told her I would help as much as I could. That was all I could do, especially seeing how I finally heard back from U of M and received my acceptance letter. I had received a full ride, and because of me taking a year worth of college courses, I was already ahead of the game.
I was excited for everything. I couldn’t wait to graduate and go to college. My mom was excited as well. She had been doing okay, I guess. Nothing had changed, except for we knew for sure that Mylo was sexually active, and we couldn’t get a hold on her. I had fought her so many times because, I’d come home and she’d be doing something she had no business doing. I didn’t even know who she was anymore. A part of me didn’t want to leave my mother to have to deal with Mylo, but my mom was very adamant about me spreading my wings and living life. When I got home I called Taylynn again, and it was no answer. I went upstairs in my room to change into some sweats and a tank top. I heard either my mom or Mylo come in, so I went downstairs to see what exactly was going on.
“Okay, thank you for calling and telling me. I know this is so fucked up. Here she come now. Let me call you back.” She hung up her phone.
“What’s going on, Ma?” I asked, as soon as she hung up. She had the saddest look on her face. I already knew I wasn’t going to like what she had to say.
“They finally found Taylynn, baby girl, and she’s gone.” A tear dropped from my mother’s eye.
“No, you’re lying. She just texted me, she. She’s pregnant.” I couldn’t even form a complete sentence, because I just couldn’t believe it.
“Yanni.” My mother went to embrace me, but I walked around her and put on my shoes running out the door.
“ALIYANNA! YANNI!” I heard my mom yelling, but I was sprinting, I had one destination on my mind. When I made it to the building, I ran up the two flights of stairs, and started banging on the door.
“Open up the door please.” I continued beating the door down. The neighbors came outside to see what was going on. Finally, Taylynn’s mother answered the door with bloodshot eyes, and Taylynn’s auntie’s and cousin’s were weeping in the house.
“Oh, Yanni. I can’t believe my baby is gone. They killed my baby, she was pregnant, God, why me?!” Her huge arms wrapped around me.
I stood there with a blank expression. She invited me in, but I just turned around and walked down the steps. I kept walking, making my way back to my apartment, when I saw the playground that brought back so many memories. My eyes clouded up as I sat on the park bench watching the kids play, thinking back to our days on the playground.
“She can’t play with us.” Frankie pointed me out and said.
“And why not?” A twelve-year-old firecracker, named Taylynn, asked, with so much attitude.
“Because, she’s ugly.” He added.
“Frankie, I thought you said she was really pretty.” Richard busted him out.
“Ahh ha! Frankie likes Aliyanna, Frankie likes Aliyanna.” They teased.
“Shut up! Shut up all of you!” He yelled.
“You can play with us. Frankie don’t make the rules.” Taylynn rolled her eyes. Always had a mouth on her and didn’t care who she had to get with.
“Shut up, Taylynn. That’s why yo momma like girls too. She’s too fat to date a man!” Frankie told her.
“You’re just mad cause she won’t date yo manly looking momma!” Taylynn replied.
I had to laugh thinking of all the goofy stuff she’s said to people. Taylynn was there for me when I shut the world out. When everyone had
something to say about me becoming a mute, Taylynn defended me. When I thought I had no one else, I had Taylynn. She literally, just texted me she wanted me to be the god mommy to her baby, but now, there was no baby. There was no Taylynn, hell, there was no AJ. The two people I held close to my heart, were murdered in cold blood. I could feel myself getting choked up. I put my head down in my hands, trying to take a few deep breaths. I felt like I was suffocating. Like I was in a bad dream, and I couldn’t wake up. I sat on the park bench until it got too cold to bear, before going home and climbing in my bed. I didn’t have shit to say to anybody. I felt like God didn’t love me at this point, and I didn’t want any more fake ass church people around me.
Saturday I was burying my best friend. My mother had been up under me like white on rice. She was constantly asking me was I okay. Did I need anything? Why wasn’t I eating? Why won’t I talk to her? A whole bunch of stupid questions, that I had no desire to answer. My friend was eighteen, my brother was eighteen, like, what did they do to deserve this? When it was time to carry her body outside, I stood up to help carry my friend. Everyone was shocked and appalled, but this girl was more of a sister to me than my own damn sister at this point.
Standing over her casket being lowered to the ground was like déjà vu. Cries, sobs, whimpering, screaming. It was all a trigger, and I needed to get outta here before I went crazy. When I turned around, Vontae took me into his arms, hugging me tightly, as I hugged him back. I felt his pain. Hearing the story about how his delusional, psychotic ass ex, stabbed my friend more than ten times, and then killed their baby, I had no ill feelings toward him. It wasn’t his fault.