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Bossed Up By A Billionaire Thug Page 6

  “Wassup, big boyyyyy?!” He yelled.

  “Yo funny looking ass always playing. Where Zeus at?” I asked.

  “Money man, what’s good, bro?” He asked, walking from the back.

  “Shit, you tell me.” I slapped fives with him.

  “Not shit, man. What’s been up with you, bro?” He asked, as the shop doorbell rang someone coming in. Shorty was walking straight to the back, as the shop halted, just at her presence.

  “Damn, you bring yo ass in here and don’t say shit?” Zion yelled at her. She doubled back, and I swear, a nigga was stuck on stupid. Shorty was the perfect shade of brown, like a Reese’s milk chocolate complexion, with perfect smooth skin, and her pink lips that she had glossed up. She had this glow to her, she was fine as fuck, with this spark in her eyes. Even though she was scowling at Zion before, she continued walking to the back. She had on a pink Zeus tattoo shop t-shirt, with some jeans, and pink Air Max to match. When she walked away, I was able to get a glimpse of her whole body and she was strapped.

  “She fine as hell, ain’t she, big dog? But she prissy, stuck up.” Zion mumbled.

  “Prissy? What you mean? Wait, she work here?” I asked.

  “Yeah, but she cool, man. Don’t listen to this nigga. What you here to get?” Zeus asked.

  “Man, I’m trying to get this sleeve finished.” I told him. The door dinged again.

  “Hey, Zeus. I’m here for my noon appointment.” Some overly tanned girl, came in saying.

  “Oh, you busy? I can come back, dog, it’s nothing.” I told him.

  “Yeah, I got an appointment.” He paused, as the brown beauty came behind the desk. I saw this big smirk come across his face.

  “But Au’Brielle can get you.” He started. She was fine, but she wasn’t that fine to be playing around on my skin fine, well, she was, but still. He read my facial expression and chuckled.

  “She new, man, but trust. You know I wouldn’t put my stamp on somebody unless they was official.” He said.

  “Man, you might as well let me tat you up, Zo.” Chico stood up. They all started going back and forth, but when shorty spoke up, they stopped.

  “I can do it. It’s no problem.” She told me, looking in my eyes.

  “Come on, Brie, let me get my man right here.” Another artist stood up and said.

  “Miss Au’Brielle, if you fuck up my tattoo.” I started, but she cut me off.

  “It’s not gonna happen. So don’t even waste your breath.” She told me, before walking to the back.

  “I told you, prissy, stuck up, and got a smart fucking mouth.” Zion mumbled.

  “I noticed that you only have a lot to say when I’m not around. You can follow me.” She snapped at Zion, and told me. I looked at Zeus and he smiled.

  “Watch.” He smirked.

  I sat on the tattoo chair, and she sat right next to me in her scoot chair. She looked at me with the big brown eyes and smiled. This girl had fucking dimples too, she knew she was beyond gorgeous. She was perfect.

  “So, I’m Au’ Brielle, but you can call me Aubrey, Brie, or whichever you prefer.” She shrugged.

  “Brielle, I’m La’Kenzo, but you can call me Zo.” I told her. She squinted.

  “La’Kenzo? Like Larenzo?” She asked. I nodded.

  “I like that. Okay, La’Kenzo. What are we getting today? I can show you a few pictures, or you can throw some ideas at me, and I can draw something.” She smiled.

  “I wanted to finish this sleeve. I wanna incorporate God, my mother’s name, and being a young king.” I told her. She was already writing or drawing something.

  “Tell me about yourself, La’Kenzo.” She said, soothingly.

  “Kenzo, or Zo. Ain’t much to tell. I’m a young nigga, twenty-three. Just trying to run this check up.” I shrugged. She looked at me with her hypnotizing honey brown eyes.

  “Okay. I’m just trying to feel you out and see how I can incorporate everything together. I’m not trying to be in your business, but it does help me when you relax and open up.” She explained. I nodded, and we sat there in silence for a while before she started talking again.

  “Your name is La’Kenzo, you’re twenty three, chasing money. You carry yourself like a king, the way you talk, the way you walk, oozes a strong black king. But you’re reserved, you’ve been hurt before, don’t trust easily, and most importantly, you miss your mother. You’re strong, intelligent, and only speak when you feel necessary, because you communicate through your body language a lot.” She told me, and then showed me the sketch she came up with.

  “We put it right here. Then, I’ma take it around this way, with your mother’s name on the forearm.” She touched my arm, and she shocked a nigga, literally.

  “Ouch.” She poked her bottom lip out. I was amazed with what she came up with. Damn, I couldn’t wait ‘til she finished. Shit was gon’ be fire as fuck. She made the stencil before shaving my arm, and then placing it in the perfect place.

  “You like it?” She smiled.

  “So far it’s straight.” I sat there stone faced. She frowned, before quickly smiling, and gathering her shit on her table.

  “Yeah, okay. How are you with pain?” She smirked.

  “I don’t know what that is.” I told her. She frowned.

  “Pain? You don’t know what pain is?” She asked.

  “Nah, it’s just a word people throw around. It’s all in the mind.” I told her. I yelled out to Zion, and he came in here.

  “What’sup, bro?” He asked.

  “It’s cool if I smoke in here?” I asked.

  “Oh yeah, you straight, bro. I’ma just close the door.” He told me and closed the door.

  “You know, that was a question you could’ve asked me. Seeing as how I’m the one who’s doing your tattoo, and he’s not.” She told me.

  “Is it cool if I smoke in here, Miss Au’Brielle?” I smirked at her. She chuckled.

  “No, it’s not cool. I don’t need my room smelling like marijuana to my other clients.” She shrugged. She turned her gun on and we got started. She was concentrating, and I was enjoying watching her fine ass work.

  “Where you from?” I asked.

  “I’m from here. Just not this part of the city. I’m from Huntley, the north, about twenty minutes from here.” She told me.

  “No wonder you so articulate, what the fuck you doing out here?” I asked her.

  “You ever felt like a prisoner in your own body?” She asked me.

  “Shorty, I was locked up like a caged animal for my twenty first birthday. I was a prisoner for three years.” I told her.

  “It’s like, I wasn’t living for myself. I, um. I had a pretty nice life, you know? All the expensive things I didn’t want, all I wanted was to be showed some love, or affection, but I never got it. I was living for everyone else but myself.” She told me, she sounded disappointed.

  “What you doing right now?” I asked.

  “Living my life for me, for the first time in forever.” She smiled hugely.

  “You look happy doing so.”

  “I am. I really am, this is something I dreamed of as a kid. Except for this is my reality, and I made it happen. By myself.” She told me. I nodded.

  “That’s what’s up. I’m happy for you, shorty, and keep pushing to greatness. I see it in you. Ready to be unleashed at any given moment.” I chuckled. She laughed.

  “Thank you. I really appreciate that. So, your mom is the special lady in your life?” She asked. I nodded.

  “My mom died when I was about nine years old.” I said, aloud, for the first time in my adult life. Only people who knew about my mom was my lil nigga, E, and Ken. Well, now Au’Brielle. She had this soothing ass voice and aurora about her. Shit just flowed naturally.

  “Oh, wow. I’m sorry to hear that.” She stopped tattooing and looked at me.

  “It’s good, it was a long time ago, shorty.” I told her. She frowned.

  “That doesn’t mean anything. It could be
forty years ago, and still feel like yesterday.” She told me. I ain’t say shit. She was done, and she cleaned my tattoo. I was staring at it in amazement. She took a video of it, and showed it to me.

  “Damn, you really dope as fuck. I really like it.” I told her.

  “And to think, you were about to threaten little ol me.” She laughed.

  “Nah, I knew you needed a little motivation.” I cracked.

  “Ahh, he jokes. Okay, funny guy.” She laughed.

  “You know it’s always more than what meets the eye.” I told her. She raised an eyebrow.

  “This is true.” She smiled. Staring at her, looking her up and down, I knew I wanted to know more about her. I ain’t never felt comfortable with no female like her. She was different, in a world full of roaches, she was a gem, a fucking rare diamond. She stared up at me with them eyes, had a nigga entranced. Fuck it, I was gon’ shoot my shot.

  “Came to see how y’all was doing.” Zeus knocked, and walked in. Au’Brielle went back to cleaning up, and this nigga was checking out her work. He looked amazed.

  “Dayummm, Brie Brie. You went stupid with this one.” He complimented.

  “Thank you.” She smiled.

  He walked out, and I handed her a couple hundreds for a tip. She looked at me crazy, before thanking me.

  “It’s nothing. You got a loyal customer now.” I told her.

  “I appreciate that, La’Kenzo, honestly.” She smiled, tucking her money in her pocket.

  “Yeah, right. Let me see, nigga.” Zion barged in the room, just as I was about to ask shorty for her number. I shook my head.

  “Oh yeah. You must like my nigga, or something? I ain’t never seen you pearl somebody tattoo like this. Sadly for you, my nigga don’t date dusty broads.” He cracked.

  “The only dusty broad is yo tacky baby momma. Thanks, La’Kenzo, for trusting me with your tattoo, and I hope to hear from you again in the future.” She bumped into Zion and made her exit.

  “Why you calling her dusty, knowing damn well?” I asked, that nigga.

  “Cause, man, she know she fine as shit. I tried to get with her, and she straight up laughed in my face.” He snapped.

  “Word?” I laughed.

  “Hell yeah, nigga. All these niggas tried to get with her, shit, even her customers, but she be acting like she got a boyfriend or some shit.” He frowned.

  “Or maybe she just don’t fuck with lame niggas.” I cracked. He bust out laughing.

  “Fuck you, Popeye looking motherfucker!” He cracked. I slapped fives with him and Zeus, before giving Au’Brielle a hug and leaving. I had a text from Trell to meet up at his crib, so I headed there. Soon as I walked through the door, my niece, Kenzie, was rushing me.

  “What’s up, lil momma?” I kissed her forehead before holding her. She instantly laid her head on my shoulder.

  “These little niggas been trying to jump me, bro.” Kentrell joked, as he laid on the ground, and my nephews were beating on him. I snatched KJ’s lil ass up, and Kenzie instantly caught an attitude.

  “You think I’mma just stand here and let you jump my nigga? Huh?” I joked, as he laughed hysterically. They were bad as hell. P walked in a couple minutes later, and both AJ and Junior ran up on his ass. I was glad to see my nigga fully healed. Trell stood up to head to the basement, and he called Yanni from the kitchen. I went to put baby girl down, and she started clowning.

  “I don’t know why you even tried that, Zoe. You already know how her spoiled butt is.” Her pregnant ass fussed.

  “She the only girl, she got every right to be like that.” I told her and picked my baby girl back up.

  “You deal with her spoiled ass, I ain’t got time. Come on AJ and KJ.” She fussed. I shook my head and took baby girl downstairs with me.

  “Damn, let me just not fire up my blunt, even though I’m in pain.” Pierre sarcastically spoke. Trell started cracking the fuck up.

  “Nigga, you was smoking like a weed head before you got shot, nigga.” I told his ass. He started cracking up.

  “Nah, a nigga be hurting from time to time. Smoking eases the pain.” He said.

  “Spoken like a true weed head.” Trell spoke, rolling up. Kenzie was starting to get sleepy, and it was her bedtime, so I took her up the steps to her momma.

  “Thank you. Trell’s lazy ass would’ve made me come get her. Like I’m not pregnant.” She fired off. I chuckled, and went back downstairs, and these niggas had already fired up.

  “Y’all horrible, couldn’t wait for baby girl to bounce.” I chuckled.

  We smoked, and Trell was going over the month’s plans, where we needed to be and who needed to be doing what. Damn, another busy ass month, but I wasn’t complaining at all.

  The next morning, I woke up and got dressed. P texted me asking had I made the deposit yet, and I told his ass no, but was on my way. I had to go to the car lot I owned, and grabbed the money from the safe, cause the manager had a family emergency. I grabbed the money last night, but was tired as fuck. I threw some shit on and went inside the credit union.

  “Hi, how can I help you today.” The receptionist asked, as soon as I stepped through the door.

  “I need to make a deposit for my business.” I told her.

  “Okay, right this way. Miss Au’Brielle can assist you.” She walked me to Au’Brielle, who was in her business attire, looking good as fuck. She even had some glasses on, it was cute.

  “Hello, how can help you today, sir?” She asked, typing on her keyboard.

  “I need to make a deposit into my business account.” I told her, and she finally faced me.

  “La’Kenzo. Hey.” She smiled genuinely.

  “Wassup, Brielle?” I asked.

  “It’s Au’Brielle, La’Kenzo.” She smirked.

  “I’m gon’ call you Brielle.” I told her.

  “Okay, La’Kenzo.” She tilted her head to the side. I laughed at her silly ass. We made small talk as she completed the transaction, and she told me she was working here part time, and finishing up her apprenticeship with Zeus, all while going to school. I nodded my head, I called her Superwoman, and she waved me off.

  “Here’s your receipt, and you have a great day, Mr. Rogers.” She smiled. I nodded, and was about to walk off again without her number. Just her presence alone made a nigga smile, and I never was no cheesy face ass dude. I walked out the building before turning around and cutting the line. As the lady walked away from her, she looked at me confused, as I walked back up to her. Before she could speak, I cut her off.

  “What you doing after work? I wanna feed yo beautiful ass.” I told her, straight up.

  Eight~ Au’Brielle

  “Vash, I don’t know what to wear. Shit, I’m nervous as hell.” I told her.

  “Slow down, pooh. Slow down. Matter of fact, I’m on my way.” She told me. We hung up and I climbed in the shower, accidentally getting my hair wet. I was so pissed, I almost started to cry as my hair instantly puffed up into it’s curly texture. As soon as I stepped out the shower, Vash was knocking on the door. I looked in the mirror, looking like a wet poodle.

  “Look at me, I’m about to cancel on him. I look a mess.” I walked back to my room, and oiled my body up, from head to toe, before putting on my undergarments and robe.

  “Bitch, all these clothes, and you up here having an anxiety attack.” She stressed.

  “No, for real. I’m not gon’ be able to flat iron it in enough time.” I told her.

  “Flat iron it? You always wear your hair straight. You got that good curly shit too. If you don’t wear it curly and stop fussing.” She rolled her eyes.

  “I haven’t worn my natural hair in it’s natural state in like ten years.” I told her.

  “Well, it’s time for a change. It’s beautiful, sis! You see me, I rarely ever flat iron my hair.”

  “But you look pretty with your natural curly hair.” I told her.

  “AND SO DO YOU, BITCH! Looking like an exotic mermaid, that just flo
pped out of the water.” She joked. I shook my head at her crazy self. I looked in my mirror and at my hair.

  An hour later, I pulled up to the location he sent me, only to realize it was a mini gulf and arcade place. I had on these wedges, and now I felt like an idiot. I was about to drive off, but I didn’t. I got out and strutted toward the door. I opened it and walked in. It was completely empty, although it was two cars outside aside from mine. I continued walking out the door to the golf course, because I saw him out there. I laughed because, he had his Polo on, and a golf hat.

  “Wassup, beautiful?” He asked.

  “Hi.” I smiled.

  “You look amazing. But I’m still about to beat yo ass in mini golf.” He smirked.

  “Oh really? I guess we’ll see about that.” I challenged him, as he grabbed my hand and guided me to the course.

  He whooped my ass in mini golf, basketball, air hockey, and throwing the football. I was over it, and he finally walked me to this cute picnic table. As soon as we sat down, some guy came from nowhere and took our meal orders. He brought us our beverages and mozzarella sticks. I couldn’t stop smiling, La’Kenzo was just a breath of fresh air.

  “You seem like a complete and perfect gentleman. What’s the catch? How many kids you have? You got a secret wife?” I asked.

  “I got three. Does that matter?” He asked.

  “I mean, yeah and no. At the end of the day, I know the kids come first, prior to me. I’ve never dated a man with kids, let alone three.” I told him, honestly.

  “Okay, so me and you. Where do we stand now that you’re aware of my three kids?” He asked. I sat there contemplating his question. Talking to him the entire day, laughing at my corny jokes, him complimenting me, he was damn near perfect. I knew there was a catch. The guy came from the back with our food. We blessed the food before I started.

  “I’m gon’ be completely honest with you.” I told him. He nodded.

  “You having three kids is a huge pill to swallow. But I feel like we have a lot in common, and I don’t want to stop seeing you. I feel like if you take care of your children, and you’re not still sleeping with your baby momma, everything will go the way it’s supposed to.” I took a huge bite of my sandwich. Chewing it, he stared at me intensely, but I was starving, so I wasn’t about to try and be cute. He took his phone out and showed me a picture of two little boys who were identical, and so was the little girl, in his arms, sucking her thumb with her head rested against his shoulders.