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In My Feelings Over His Hood Love 2 Page 6

  I hit the jackpot when I finally addressed Rico on why he thought it would be a good idea to try and fuck with my mom’s. That shit had me looking at him differently, especially after I talked to my moms about him. She said he never tried to fuck, or nothing was trying to be on some exclusive shit with her. That shit raised a red flag, so I had eyes on his ass, and he led me right to the bitch they call Law. These hoes wasn’t as cutthroat as I thought she would be. She causing all this blood, you would think the bitch would have more balls then she did, but she didn’t. When I got rid of her and Rico, my so-called family caught me off guard one day. I was coming from watching Montejha, but she wasn’t at the crib. So, I went to gamble and when I was walking out, my cousin Kaiszer was standing by car while my other cousin Kaizon was sitting on top of my trunk.

  “Rarely ever do I say this. But just maybe I can see why they call you Khaos.” Kaizon smiled.

  “The fuck y’all niggas want? Why is yo’ big ass on my trunk,” I spat.

  “Shit, I was getting tired of standing. I thought you and shorty would’ve never finished,” he joked.

  “Whatever, what the fuck y’all want?” I asked.

  “We need a ride.” Kaiszer smirked. I looked around and chuckled.

  “Yeah come on cousin. Take us to our spot fam,” Kaizon added.

  “Y’all expect me to believe y’all rode here without a ride. Nice try.” I walked to my driver’s side of my truck and unlocked it climbing in.

  “Yeah nigga and we need a ride!” Kaizon yelled as I cranked up my engine. I laughed and put my shit in drive.

  “Well, look like y’all gone put them Jordan’s to use tonight. Either that or call an Uber.” I drove off. The look on their faces were priceless. But I made a block slowly before pulling back around, and them niggas were still standing there, but Kaiszer had his phone out. I honked at them, and they climbed in.

  “Nigga that was real fucking funny.” Kaizon got in the backseat yapping.

  “You don’t ever shut the fuck up huh bruh?” I asked.

  “Fuck naw and I been dealing with this shit my entire life,” Kaiszer added.

  “Both of y’all can shut the fuck up, follow this hoe ass GPS,” Kaizon told me.

  Following the directions on the GPS, it led us to a warehouse. I pulled up next to two big ass suburban’s, and we all got out. I took my Glock out, and both of these niggas started laughing. I ain’t give a fuck what they were talking about, I had been on killing spree, and I ain’t have no problem blasting niggas to space. Kaiszer walked up to the door and knocked twice before walking in. It was a roundtable, no one was sitting there but Khalil and uncle Kason. They sat there as Kaiszer and Kaizon walked past me and took a seat at the table with them. I chose to stand while they said whatever it was that they needed to say.

  “I mean y’all standing here wasting my time. I ain’t got all day,” I told them.

  “We see what you’ve been doing,” Kason started. I just stared at him.

  “Okay,” I started.

  “I know you going through shit. But what you not gone do is stand here and disrespect me, motherfucker. I let you slide last time, but you done got beside yourself. You gone respect me, lil nigga,” Khalil stood and roared.

  “All that yelling and tough tony shit don’t mean shit to me. Bruh, I told you I ain’t want shit to do with this little family clique y’all got going on. I’m Gucci, I handled my business,” I started.

  “You think you getting rid of Lawrynn was something. Lil nigga it’s a war brewing under your nose, and you don’t even know it,” Khalil spat.

  “Okay, and as you can see since you like being in my business so fucking much I can handle my shit,” I spat back, and this big motherfucker was faster than I’ve ever seen. He wrapped his hands around my throat as my back hit the wall.

  “Listen to me and listen to me fucking good. The next time you disrespect me, I will beat yo’ motherfucking ass, the ass whooping you needed a long time ago. I ain’t yo’ momma, yo’ patna’s none of that shit. I’m your father, an elder and you will show me some motherfucking respect,” he gritted. A nigga couldn’t even breathe. I was slipping big time to let this old head, catch me like this.

  “Come on bruh, don’t do it,” my cousin said.

  “Choke his ass out, he ain’t gone respect you till you do.” My uncle Kason gassed him up.

  “You understand me,” he gritted. I ain’t say shit, wasn’t no hoe in my blood, he should’ve known that.

  “Do you understand me,” he barked. I looked at him and smirked. He let me go, before walking out the door. They all stood staring at a nigga. Kaiszon was trying to hide his smirk, while Kaizon was laughing.

  “You just like that man bruh.” Kaiszer shook his head.

  “Yeah, and he can’t take it. I told him that,” my uncle said.

  I walked out of there with Kaiszer and Kaizon still following me. We ended up hitting the bar to grab some food and drinks. They were actually cool people, it was humorous to have two older motherfuckers who resembled you.

  “Our grandpop had some strong ass genes. If I show you a picture of that nigga, you’ll see where we got it from,” Kaiszer said.

  “Yeah, I’ma have to see that shit.” I chugged my beer. My phone started ringing, and it was Montejha. I didn’t answer it ‘cause I wasn’t trying to hear her mouth.

  “If you took a minute to get to know my uncle, you’ll realize he a solid dude. Just put the anger aside for a minute,” Kaiszer started.

  “Kaiszer, I know you mean well, but,” I started. Kaizon burst out laughing.

  “This nigga said Kaiszer.” Kaizon laughed. Even Kaiszer started laughing.

  “What the fuck is so funny?” I asked.

  “Nothing bruh, I just haven’t heard my name in a minute, the name is Ky.” He chuckled.

  “Yeah and before you throw my government out this bitch you can call me Zu,” he said. I chuckled and nodded.

  “But like I was saying. Put aside your ill feelings towards your pops man. Uncle Khalil like the goat of this street shit bruh. He was just as reckless as yo’ ass was, but I know for a fact if he knew about you, he would’ve been in your life no doubt about it,” Ky stressed.

  “Yeah, having him as an uncle was like having a second pops no doubt about it. I know he always wanted a boy of his own, so push past the bullshit and at least hear the man out. He hurting just as well as you are. Knowing he wasn’t there for his baby boy that he always wanted is tearing that man up,” Zu added.

  “I ain’t really got no reason to talk to him, I been good without him,” I started.

  “But are you really good though?” Zu interrupted.

  “Yeah, I’m straight.” I frowned at the question.

  “You not Kato, that pain in yo’ eyes is the first thing I noticed when I saw yo’ ass nigga. You gone hurt everybody who care about you cause yo’ overgrown ass hurt and won’t admit it,” Ky added. Shit got real quiet after he said that, as I went to the crib that shit stuck with me. For a good week, I thought long and hard about the shit Ky said, and I admitted to myself, I was hurt about a lot of things. I needed to get this shit off my chest, so I linked up with my father. I called him up, and he gave me an address. I pulled up to the restaurant and walked in, they escorted me to the back where he sat by himself. He looked shocked and pissed off as I pulled my mother’s seat out and then sat next to her.

  “Firstly, I want to apologize as a man to you that I been disrespectful as fuck. I know I shouldn’t say most of the shit I do, but I just wanted to hurt you ‘cause of how I felt towards you,” I told him. He nodded.

  “As a man, I respect that, but as your father next time you get slick I’m not gone hold back,” he spat. I nodded.

  “Kato, I can’t apologize enough for not being in your life. I did not know about you, that’s my fucking word son. All my life I’ve wanted someone to keep my name alive, and knowing that you were kept from me has me seeing red. I know your mom was scared,
but she should’ve known I would never let shit happen to her,” he snapped, looking at my mother.

  “Well, where you when the crazy bitch held a gun to my head and machete against my pregnant belly,” my mother spat.

  “You right, I wasn’t there. But had you told me, you know Britney, you know I would’ve deaded that bitch with no hesitation.” My pops lowered his voice.

  “All I knew is that she threatened my child’s life and I had to make a decision right then and there. I did what I saw was fit. I apologize Kato for lying to you, but it was only to protect you.” Tears built up in her eyes. I grabbed her hand and told her she was good. I would never blame my mother for shit, she should have gone about a few things differently, but she did what she thought was best at the time. I can’t blame her for that.

  “I just want to build a relationship with my son. I see a lot of pain, anger, and hurt in your eye’s Kato. I know that shit all too well, looking at you I can’t help but to get pissed off because you’re me at your age. That shit tearing me up.” He frowned.

  “I know you feel like it’s you against the world but it’s not. I got you, I ain’t never begged for a goddamn thing in my life, but I’m willing to do whatever for you to just give your old man a chance,” he pleaded.

  Shit for me ain’t been the same since. My pops and uncle Kason were thorough as fuck. I saw exactly where I got my shit from, hearing my uncle tell me crazy ass stories about them two, I couldn’t help but to chuckle. For the past three and a half months, I had been letting go of a lot of shit, forgiving my pops and my mom’s. Trying to be a better man for my girl, I cut all my hoes off, I hadn’t fucked no bitch since me and Tejha went at it. I was coming for her ass like I said I was.

  I had been informed that this pussy nigga Oden went out of town to link up with two niggas to come back here and take me down. Not only that but they added that nigga Slim to the roster. Shit was comical, all these pussy niggas for little ol me. I guess the Giovanni and his mans were trying to make a name for themselves, okay cool. But they had been working with Lawrynn as well, she was their money connect. They weren’t only after me, they wanted to knock my cousin Ky head off as well. I guess him, and Giovanni had beef. She had took snakes from my pops camp and they done formed a lil army or something. I caught that nigga Slim lacking a couple of days ago and rocked his ass to sleep. I bet they got the fucking message, I wasn’t gone stop until the roaches were exterminated.

  I had been lurking on Tejha page heavy. She had changed her number on me, and every time I went by her crib, she wasn’t there. But I found out she had been back and forth between home and Memphis. I was just waiting for the day to catch her fine ass, I just wanted to hold her, hear her annoying ass cackle, shit anything. But I needed to speed this process up so I could get my baby back.

  “So, we got eyes on Oden. We gone have them snatch his ass up tonight at midnight take him to the warehouse, so make y’all way there around that time,” Ky said.

  “Alright, say less.” I stood up from the meeting, and we all made our way to our cars.

  “Where y’all niggas going?” Zu asked.

  “Shit to see what lil sis Yani cooked,” I stated. I knew damn well Kaiyani couldn’t stand my black ass, but I ain’t give a fuck. I know she had to somewhat like my ass, she always made enough food for me to eat.

  “This nigga.” Dreux laughed.

  “Aww shit, I’ma roll. Last time she fried the shit outta that fish. I’ll get up with y’all niggas later,” Ky said. We nodded and climbed in Dreux’s Tahoe.

  When we pulled up, I was so busy on my phone I ain’t even notice the extra car in the driveway until Dreux pointed it out.

  “Look like lil sis back in town,” Dreux blurted out. I got out the whip, and sure enough, her charger was sitting in the driveway.

  “Aww shit. Bruh, I ain’t trying to witness you get yo’ ass whooped again,” Zu joked.

  “Fuck y’all niggas.” I walked toward the door. I ain’t believe she was here, maybe she had Yani drive her whip over here or something. We walked in the crib, and I instantly went in the kitchen while Dreux went to the dining room where Yani and her momma were. I heard both of them, but I had yet to hear Tejha’s voice. I grabbed a piece of chicken and walked in the dining room.

  “Ma, what you else you cook for me. This chicken good.” I walked in the dining room asking but seeing Tejha had me threw off. Damn, she looked good as fuck. She was glowing, I ain’t see nobody else in this motherfucker but her. She had her natural hair in a slick ponytail to the back, with the necklace and earrings that I bought for her sparkling.

  “Hey.” Montejha gave a fake smile.

  “Where y’all come from? It’s some leftovers in there, but they’re for Montejha and,” Momma Gibbs interrupted.

  “My mother as well. She’s going to want a plate.” Montejha interrupted her, while my mother side eyed her. Everybody was quiet as fuck, and I was trying to figure out what the fuck to say.

  “Y’all interrupting our girl’s night,” Tejha nonchalantly said.

  “I need to holla at you,” I blurted out.

  “About what?” she frowned, asking me.

  “I ain’t trying to argue with you, I just want to talk to you,” I told her. It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. She stood up and pulling her huge pink sweatshirt down. She quickly turned around and headed to the living room, I was right behind her ass. Damn, she had gotten thick as fuck. She had a nigga drooling at the mouth and it damn sure wasn’t ‘cause of this chicken. She sat on the couch, and I sat right next to her staring her up and down. Something was, different.

  “What do you wanna talk about,” she snapped.

  “I know you mad at me, I apologize, but you wouldn’t even believe the shit if I told you,” I started. She just stared at me blankly.

  “I ain’t gone lie and tell you I wasn’t fucked up behind my nigga death. I blamed myself, and I was hurting and shit. On top of that all this bullshit with my parents and a bitch who kept my pops away from me, I just. Fuck how can I put this, I was hurting, and I wasn’t treating you how you deserved to be treated, so I had to step back. As bad as I didn’t want to do it Tejha, I had to let you go before stringing you along through my bullshit and making you hate me,” I told her.

  “It’s too late.” She rolled her eyes.

  “What you mean?” I asked her. She quickly stood.

  “I already hate you. I’m done, I’m over you, Kato. I told you I wouldn’t just stand here and wait for you,” she started. I frowned.

  “So, what the fuck you telling me?” I asked.

  “I’m telling you that I’ve moved on,” she said. I stood up so quick and peered down at her.

  “You got me fucked up.”


  “You got me fucked up,” Kato spat, staring down at me. My heart was beating so damn fast, as much as I wanted him to hold me and rub my belly, I just couldn’t. I didn’t even respond; these pregnancy hormones were a bitch. So, I hurriedly grabbed my purse and put my slides on. I just wanted my bed, and that was all. I walked out of the house, and Kato was on me like white on rice. I was tired as hell, I had just eaten a good meal, and the itis had taken over. I didn’t have the energy to argue with him.

  “I can’t do this with you right now,” I told him. My back was fucking killing me, and I needed to get away from him. It wasn’t the right time to tell him we were expecting a baby. I had intentions on telling him this time around, I was so far along, I had no choice but to. I could only hide it for so long. I climbed in my car, and before I could shut my door good, he stopped it.

  “Tejha, I’m not trying to argue with you,” he started, calmly.

  “I get that, I just can’t do this right now. But we do need to talk, just not today please,” I stressed. He frowned.

  “What’s yo’ new number so I can call you, never mind. I gotta handle some shit tonight, but I’ll be by yo’ house tonight,” he told me, closing my door
. I crank my car up and took a deep breath, rubbing my belly. I put my car in reverse and headed home to get Rosco and an overnight bag. I wasn’t dealing with Kato tonight, I would tackle our situation head on tomorrow but not tonight.

  I rang her doorbell a few times before just standing there. I didn’t want to pay for a hotel because his crazy self would try and find me, and I didn’t feel like driving way out the way to be ducked off. So, I parked my car down the street at some apartments parking lot and walked to my mother’s house with Rosco’s protection. I think he knew I was pregnant because he didn’t play about me at all. My auntie couldn’t stand him and my uncle Geechi said he was gone shot his big ass. Shortly after standing here, I was about to head back to my car, but I heard the doors unlock. Before she could even start, I got straight to the point.

  “I just need a place to rest my head for a night, but no one can know that I’m here,” I told her.

  “What do you mean Montejha, what have you gotten yourself into,” my mother instantly started yelling at me.

  “Nothing, all you gotta do is act as if I’m not even here which shouldn’t be hard since you’ve been doing that my entire life. I’ve never really asked you for anything. You know what never mind, I don’t know why I even came here.” I started to turn around.

  “Okay.” She stopped me. I turned around.

  “I’ll be out your hair by morning. I swear.” I walked in as she closed the door. I exhaled and walked upstairs, plopping in my old bed. I just couldn’t wait to move. I couldn’t help but to slap my own damn self in the face because I knew Kato was trouble when I met him. But I just had to be a dummy and fall for his fine chocolate ass. I loved Kato with everything in me, but I was really hurt at him dumping me like that. Not only that but breaking up with me when I needed him the most.

  “You need to do something with that mutt,” my mother spat.

  “He’ll be fine, I swear he’s not a threat,” I told her. She rolled her eyes and walked off.

  I had taken a shower, oiled my body up and put on one of Kato’s t-shirts I stole a while back. I don’t know how people didn’t notice my big ass belly, but Mama Gibbs almost put my shit on front street. I don’t know how she knew, but she needed to not be so messy and all in my mix. I was gonna tell everyone when I was ready. I was curled up in the bed with Rosco laid out at the foot of the bed laying down, watching reruns of Flavor of Love on my iPad, when the doorbell rang, and my mother went to answer it. Who the fuck was that at one in the morning, I paused my show and quietly tried to get closer to the door to hear who it was.