Cuffed by A Black Billionaire Page 17
“Baby, you serious?” I asked.
“Yes, babe. That’s why I’ve been trying to stay stress free.” She told me.
“You know I love the fuck outta you, right?” I asked her.
“You know I ain’t never had shit to do with a prostitution ring, and all that other shit, right?” I asked her.
“I don’t know, Ken. I don’t believe you would do anything like that.” She started.
“I wouldn’t lie to you.” I told her.
“You just gotta trust me and believe me. I have no problem owning up to the shit I did, but I’m not owning some shit that ain’t mine or nothing. I’m gon’ fight this shit and get it through it.”
My lawyer found a crack in my case and was sure she’d get me off. I was happy to hear about that shit. My trial was in a week, and I was trying to get my shit back squared away with my wife and the kids. The doctor was talking about putting her on bed rest for the safety of the babies. I agreed. Whatever was best for my kids, I ain’t care what she was talking about me bad.
“I’m just upset I can’t come with you.” She whined.
“Baby, you need to be at the crib, making sure my kids is straight.” I told her.
“Whatever, they could lock you up, and I wouldn’t be able to do shit about it.” She exclaimed.
“We gon’ be all good, I promise.” I pecked her lips. I ended up kissing her from head to toe, lingering around her pussy, eating that shit like my favorite dessert. She smelled and tasted so good, that shit had me like an animal. She kept busting back to back, screaming and hollering, so I chilled on her. She leaned up and kissed me on the lips. As bad as I wanted to fuck the shit outta her, I knew she was high risk, I was not sticking my dick inside her.
After I put her ass to sleep, I got dressed in all black, to go make a few house visits. Shit really fucked with my head that my nigga since day one would betray me like this. He had been hitting me up since I touched down, so I finally linked up with him. I pulled up at his crib he was staying at with my first love. These two were plotting against me, in hopes of taking my throne. Only problem was, I ain’t have shit to do with the dope game no more, nor did I ever have shit to do with the prostitution ring. I parked and sparked up a blunt, thinking about how this nigga had betrayed me.
“So, you telling me that P was getting ready to tell me that this nigga was talking to an agent, when the nigga was gun downed?” I asked. He nodded.
“Yo boy, Zell, been praying on your downfall. He been talking real reckless too, about he just wanna take over yo spot. He said you went legit and started acting like you was better than these two. He ain’t know I knew who my boy was, and I knew he fucked with you heavy. He wanted to hire me to handle you, but I had to come let my boy know.” Lucci said. I nodded.
“I’m glad you did, lil nigga. Lucci? I got some bread for you.” I told him.
“Fuck that bread. I’m trying to get to some of that legal money.” He stressed.
“We gone get with you about that.” I told him. He nodded, and climbed in his car, pulling off.
Sitting outside of Pierre’s crib, had a nigga tripping. I had grown up with this nigga, and he betrayed me for a couple extra dollars. I just watched him and I waiting to see if Briana was coming out with him. Just like the dumb bitch she was, they got in his whip, and drove off. It was all good, I had a good plan for them.
I woke up to my baby getting dressed. She had on some leggings, an off the shoulder sweater that was loose at the bottom, but that motherfucker was still showing all three of my kids. She looked good, and tired. Her hair had grown a lot since I last saw her, and her ass and hips were spreading. I licked my lips at the sight of it. She scowled at me, and I frowned at her, confused. Shit, I was ready to get some shit cracking, but she up all early, mugging a nigga.
“Come lay yo ass back down.” I told her. She was putting her hair up into a bun to the back.
“I can’t. I got a doctor’s appointment, and then I was going to get my niece, and take her and my mom out to eat.” She said. I jumped up when I heard doctor’s appointment.
“Shit, well I guess I’m rolling with you.” I told her.
After I hurried up and handled my hygiene, throwing some shit on, we made our way to Dr. Carmichael. She was cool as hell, and eager to meet me. After picking my wife up, and putting her on the table correctly, I stood right next to her, staring at the screen.
“We find out what we’re having yet?” I asked.
“NO!” Yanni yelled at me, before anyone could answer.
“Damn, it was just a question. Well, alright, y’all can go ahead and tell us.” I told them.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Rockwell, but Mrs. Rockwell doesn’t want anyone to know until birth.” The doctor smiled.
“Yanni, is you fucking serious right now, bruh? I need to know if I’m having all three boys, like fuck is you doing?” I asked. She was about to answer, but when I heard their heart beats thumping, a nigga almost lost it.
“That’s them?” I asked, smiling.
“Those are your babies, Mr. Rockwell. Everything looks, and sounds good, Yanni. You’re doing great.” She told her. Yanni smiled. I was in shock. I couldn’t get that shit out my head, their hearts were beating loud and hard. After spending the day with my mother in law and niece, Yanni was exhausted. She laid in the bed, knocked out on her side, and I was laying on her belly, talking to my kids.
“I’m not gon’ ever leave y’all. Is it really three of y’all in there? I know y’all smushed like hell, but y’all gotta stay in there, bruh. Junior, you hear me, man? Make sure yo brother’s listening to me.” I told him. I was sure I had three boys baking, they had already told me.
“I can’t wait to meet y’all, man. I love y’all so much already, and y’all got the best mother in the fucking world, bruh. Y’all gon’ be alright, Daddy gon’ make sure of that. Just stay in there, I know y’all cramped, but y’all momma only so big, so take it easy on her.” I kissed her belly and rubbed it. I felt one of them turning or some shit, and I was amazed.
“Junior, I know that was you.” I chuckled.
“Are you done? Whoever just moved, got me about to pee on myself.” Yanni chuckled and got out the bed. I laid there smiling. Yeah, I had to beat this case, it was no other option.
Time flew by, and next thing I knew, I was sitting in the courtroom, waiting on my witness, who I knew wasn’t gone show up take the stand. When nobody showed up, my lawyer had a field day, and filed for them to let me go and shit, and surprisingly, it was resolved. I was happy as fuck I beat the fucking case. When I walked out, the news reporters were grilling my black ass, and all I had to say was “go book a fucking room at the Rockwell Suites and Casino, in Vegas.” They hated to see a successful black man. Making my way to the crib, I got the phone call.
“Speak.” I said.
“Done.” They hung up. I nodded. Zell and Bri were no longer with us, due to a fatal car accident. I climbed out the whip and went inside to check on my nigga, P. I slapped fives with him and he chuckled.
“What’s good, man?” I asked. He slurred with his speech cause of his braces.
My cousin was good, my life was good, and a nigga was expecting three kids next month. I was on my way to the crib, when I got a call from Shi. I looked at the caller ID, confused as to why shorty was calling me.
“What’s up?”
“Yanni in the hospital. She going into labor.” She frantically spoke. I busted a U turn in the middle of the busiest street in the city. Flooring it to the hospital, I parked, and sprinted inside. I made it to her floor, and the front desk lady was being a bitch. The nurse overheard what I was saying, and who I was, and directed me to come with her. She told me to get suited and prepare myself. I walked in the room, and my baby was screaming and hollering. I instantly went toward her, her face told me how much pain she was in.
“Come on,
baby A is right there, Aliyanna, you’re doing great.” The nurse encouraged.
“Bae, you got this. Come on.” I told her.
“Shut the fuck up!” She barked at me, and everybody’s faces were priceless. I chuckled, and just held her regardless. We didn’t know the sex of any of the babies. It was a surprise, I just hoped I got at least one boy.
“Very good, push. There we go. Oh, baby A is a boy.” I watched my first born take his first breath. They took him and was cleaning him off. A nigga had a tear in his eye, but I had to be here for my wife. Shit, one down, two to go. My first born was pretty big to be premature.
“Baby B. Keep pushing, Aliyanna, don’t give up on me.”
“I’m trying!”
“Deep breaths, baby. Come on, here we go. Push, you doing so good. I swear, I love you so fucking much.” I kissed her forehead, as my second son was brought into this world, crying, right behind his brother. Two fucking boys, I was a lucky man. If number three was a boy, I might lose my shit. I heard the monitor next to me beeping loud as fuck.
“Aliyanna. Come on, one more push!” Her doctor said, and Aliyanna’s expression read pure exhaustion.
“Doc, is she alright?” I asked.
“Baby? Bae!” I yelled at her. Baby C came out, no cry, no nothing. She wasn’t breathing. My baby girl wasn’t breathing, and neither was her damn mama.
“What the fuck going on?” I asked, as they pushed me out the way to operate on both of my women. A nigga was about to have a nervous breakdown. That was my motherfucking wife, and if I lost her, I wouldn’t know what the fuck I would.
“Breath. Come on. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6, 7,” the doctor instructed me. I didn’t know how much more pain I could take. Pushing my third child out, I was exhausted, and started to feel lightheaded. The room was spinning, and my vision was blurred.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” They pushed my distraught husband out the operating room. I looked as they were trying to resuscitate my third child. I reached out, and the tears started flowing. I tried to wipe my eyes, but I couldn’t. When I finally was able to open them, I saw Ali and Taylynn at the foot of my bed. I smiled at them.
“They’re so beautiful, sis. You did good.” Ali smiled.
“I miss y’all so much.” I cried.
“We’re always watching over you guys. We love you, friend, your kids need you more.” Taylynn told me.
“I love you, sis, and I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become. I know you gon’ be a great mother, cause you always thought you were somebody’s momma.” AJ joked.
“We’re losing her! Come on, you’re babies need you!” I heard someone screaming. I was so tired.
“As tired as you are, at the end of the day, you’re still a fighter, and fighters don’t quit. Even when they get knocked down, they get back up. Get up, Yanni!” AJ yelled in my ear, and my eyes snapped opened.
“Pulse 54, still very weak, Biox 82, and rising.” I heard.
“You’re going to be okay, Aliyanna,” My doctor stood over me, smiling.
“Where’s my babies? My last baby?” I asked.
“She’s okay, we brought her back, Aliyanna. You did it!” She smiled.
Though my boys were big enough and developed enough to come home two days later. My baby girl had to stay here for a while, until she showed signs of improvement. I was stressed the fuck out, and I felt like I had done something wrong, no matter how many times people told me she would be fine. I just wanted her to come home with her brothers. I was in my gown, and they had allowed me down in the NICU unit to hold her, and feed her once again. She was having a hard time digesting her food, and was throwing it right back up.
“Hey, Mommy’s princess.” She smiled in her sleep. I was in a rocking chair holding her. She was so precious, and I was so grateful to have been blessed with three beautiful children. They all resembled their dad, but only one, my baby girl, had my dimples. I spent the entire day with her before heading home. I was trying to hide my tears as Kenzo drove me home to where my husband and sons were waiting on my arrival. I got out, and Kenzo helped me, and I thanked him.
“Thanks, for everything!” I told him. He hugged me, and I hugged him tightly.
“It’s gon’ be okay, sis. She a fighter, just like her mean momma.” He joked.
“Yeah, or her mean uncle.” I laughed. He laughed and shook his head. We walked in the house, and my husband was passed out in the bed, with his boys laid on his bare chest, while they had nothing but their pampers on. Ken was such a good father, I couldn’t have handpicked a better one. I went to shower really quick while everyone was sleeping. I got out, looking in the mirror, staring at myself. I looked at my fat belly, and smiled. It was worth it. I walked out and noticed Junior waking up. I shook my head.
“Hey, June.” I smiled at him. “Hey, Mommy’s baby. You watching Ali and Dada sleep?” I smiled, picking him up.
Kentrell Junior, Ali Armon, and Kenzi Taylynn Rockwell. Junior was named after his father, of course. Ali was named after my brother. Kenzi was named after my best friend, and brother, Kenzo. I was just happy as hell to have my own little perfect family. I’d be even happier when Kenzi came home to join us.
After a month of being of being super mom at home, and at the hospital, my baby girl was finally coming home. Ken was doing the fucking most when she got home. He wanted them up under him all the time, and all I could do was smile.
It was crazy, one day, I was at home with all the kiddos, trying to keep my head together, as they drove me insane. And he and Kenzo came strolling through, with some other huge man, I’d never seen before. They had everything the kids needed in their room and more. They had decorated the boy’s and Kenzi’s rooms. All though Kenzi would be in the same room as her brothers, until she got older, it was still adorable. I couldn’t wait until they got older, and kept me busy. I was excited, but I didn’t want to rush it, because all they did was eat and sleep now, and I was enjoying it.
As the months went by, it was becoming more, and more, of a struggle to keep my busy bee’s under control. They were starting to crawl and get into stuff. I couldn’t believe they were crawling already, and following me around. I put them in their playpen, and decided to get started on dinner, since Ken would be home any minute. The family was actually coming over to join us, his father and girlfriend, and my parents.
I was excited, and everyone was bringing a dish. Zo was coming, and so was Shianne. My doorbell rang, and June started squealing like a fat pig. I rolled my eyes, picking his nosy butt up, as AJ and Kenzie were staring at us. I got to the door, and it was Shi, with her two bags. She told me she was going to stay the night, because she planned on getting nice and tipsy.
“Hey, boo! Aww, look at my handsome godson. Hey, stinka butt!” She took June outta my hands and walked in. I grabbed a bag to help her.
“Girl, take his nosy self with you.” I laughed.
“Whatever, don’t do my baby like that.” She laughed, and June was eating up all the attention, as usual. She took her bags upstairs before coming in the kitchen, holding Kenzie. I shook my head.
“Girl, for you to have three kids, you damn sure don’t look like it.” She joked.
“Whatever. I feel it. I’m tired as hell. I’m not going back to work until they’re at least one or something. But Ken is arguing with me about daycare. I didn’t get my damn degree to become a stay at home mom, you know?” I told her.
“Just enjoy the vacation, and revisit the topic at a later date. Enjoy your babies.” I nodded in agreement.
As everyone came and sat their dishes down on the table, we mingled, and my kids were gone with someone. Ali was up under his daddy, and June was chilling with his Uncle Kenzo, while Miss Kenzie, was up under her mommy. I shook my head, smiling. My mom and dad were here, but I noticed they didn’t have my niece, Angel.
“Where’s Angel?” I asked.
“She’s with Mylo.” My mom said.
“Oh.” I
“Yeah, you would know if you checked on her sometimes.” My father snapped, and Ken’s head whipped in his direction so fast. I didn’t say anything.
“Everyone ready to eat?” I changed the subject. It was awkwardly silent as we made our way to our dining room. We prayed over the food, and I made my husband’s plate and mine, and took my seat, with Kenzie in my hands. She was holding her bottle, and I was trying to eat.
“Y’all make having triplets look easy.” Kenzo and Kentrell’s friend, Lucci, smiled.
“Trust and believe, it’s not.” Ken chuckled. “But my wife makes it easier.” He smiled.
“This nigga.” Zell cracked.
“Y’all are a mess.” I laughed.
I enjoyed everyone’s company, and I couldn’t wait for them to leave. Me and Shi cracked open the bottle of wine as we put the babies to sleep. Ken and his boys were downstairs in their man cave. I was grateful to have a friend like Shi, she was more of my sister than anything. When I walked my mother and father outside, my mother informed me that Mylo was doing much better in life, and that she had custody of Angel now. I was happy for her, and wished the best for her, but I was fine where I was at. I would be there for Angel, a hundred percent, and I hoped Mylo really did get it together, and was there for her baby girl, because she needed her the most. I would just continue to pray for them and keep my distance.
“One, two, three. Smile.” The photographer said. We all smiled hugely. My babies were three now and growing every day. Just when I had went back to work, and accustomed to my routine, I found out I was three months pregnant again. I wanted to murder Kentrell, but then who would be here to help me raise all these kids?
“Again, say, ‘it’s a boy!’” The photographer yelled out, and my mouth dropped, as the camera flashed. I was almost in tears. I just knew I was gon’ have a girl to level out this house full of testosterone. Hell, half the time, Kenzie was right along with them, I just knew she was going to be a little tomboy. I frowned as Ken came to kiss me on the lips.
“Stay away from me. After this one, I’m getting my tubes tied, forreal.” I told him.