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Cuffed by A Black Billionaire Page 13

“I’m serious, I have never broke down like that before, but it was uncontrollable. I’m sorry.”

  “Stop apologizing for something that you don’t gotta apologize for. I’m your man, right? That’s what the fuck I’m here for. You don’t gotta isolate yo’self from me, baby, I’m here. Whether it’s tears, cussing, fussing, whatever it is, shawty, I got you. You ain’t gotta be strong all the time, that’s what you got me for.” He told me, and him saying that, brought tears to my eyes, and a smile. He was the man of my dreams, and I was in love. Deeply in love, with Kentrell Arman Rockwell.



  “Ahh, here come loverboy right here. What’s up, boy!” Zell yelled out. I mugged his stupid ass.

  “What y’all niggas on?” I chuckled.

  “Shit, you tell us. You been locked in with yo girl and shit.” Kenzo cracked.

  “I’d rather be up under my girl, than with you goofy ass niggas.” I grabbed a beer and sat down on the couch.

  “Look at this nigga, coming in my shit like he own the place, grabbing beers and shit.” Zell cracked.

  “Man, is y’all niggas ready or not?” I asked.

  “Shit, you the one walked in here looking like a panhandler.” P cracked.

  “Why I look like a panhandler, P? Cause I ain’t got on all designer and shit? Better yet, what’s yo bank account looking like, P?” I asked him.

  “Oh, shit.” Zell cracked.

  “Nigga, my shit straight.” He mugged me. I chuckled.

  “Then why the fuck is you back hustling?” I asked.

  “Man, ain’t nobody hustling.” He waved me off, lying.

  “The fuck going on?” Kenzo asked.

  “Nigga been pushing product through the Rockwell Trucking Company that he supposed to be overseeing. If my shit gets fucked up because of you, then I’m knocking yo shit off, and I’ll deal with family later.” I told him.

  “Nigga, you moving shit through our legit business? You fucking up.” Zell added.

  “Who you working for?” Kenzo asked.

  “Man, nobody, I don’t know what this nigga talking about.” P waved me off. My nostrils flared, cause I hated being lied to. This lil nigga was outta pocket for this shit. That could jeopardize everything I built from the ground up. I quickly snatched this nigga up, and body slammed his ass so swift, before putting my Timberland boot on his fucking neck.

  “Nigga, don’t fucking lie to my face, and then try and call me a liar. You man enough to do that shit, be man enough to admit it.” I barked.

  “Damn, man, okay. Okay! ALRIGHT!” He yelled. I stepped on his neck a little more.

  “Alright, what?”

  “ALRIGHT, I BEEN USING THE BUSINESS TO PUSH DRUGS STATE TO STATE!” He yelled. I stepped down before taking my boot off his neck.

  “That shit ends TODAY! Putting my shit at risk, cause yo ass don’t know how to budget. I laid everything out for your simple ass step, by fucking, step, and you fucked that money up. You cut the fuck off, nigga, you thought you was in a drought before, nigga, you ain’t seen no shit like how I’mma do you!” I told him. He just stared at me.

  “Get the fuck out my face, for I blow yo stupid ass head off!” I told him. He grabbed his shit, and walked the fuck out the crib. Zell and Kenzo both stared at me.

  “I swear, this nigga like a psychic or some shit.” Zell stood up.

  “Nah, I just always find shit out.”

  “He just brought that hood nigga, Trell, out. Bruh, I ain’t see that shit coming, you a quick, big motherfucker, ain’t you!” Zo joked. I chuckled.

  “Fuck you, nigga.”

  “Nah, forreal. I’ll be honest, me and Zo said you lost yo shit when you went legit. We ain’t think you have it in you. We still be on some hood shit, but you be dressing up in suits and shit, out here looking like a nigga on Waltz Street.” Zell joked.

  “It’s Wall Street, you dumb motherfucker. Even I knew that.” Zo cracked.

  “Well, you know what the fuck I meant.” Zell laughed.

  “Y’all coming to the event tomorrow, right?” I asked.

  “Of course, my G. I can’t wait to see my future wife.” Zell licked his lips.

  “Who, Shi?” Kenzo asked.

  “Hell naw. Yanni fine ass.” Zell smirked. This nigga loved trying to get me to clown.

  “I’ll break yo motherfucking jaw.” I told him, and he bust out laughing, along with Kenzo.

  “Y’all niggas are a joke. I’m up, I’ll get with y’all tomorrow.” I walked out.

  I ended up stopping at this dinner, to grab me some food to go, and I ran into Briana. She still looked the same, she looked good, honestly. Her face instantly lit up at the sight of me. I had cut her and her daughter completely off, when I found out she wasn’t mine. That shit hurt, and stung like a motherfucker. I knew it wasn’t right, but shit that’s the best I could come up with at the time.

  “Oh my goodness, Ken. Wow.” She smiled, and ran up to give me a hug.

  “Wassup, Bri?” I asked.

  “You tell me. It’s been so long.” She frowned.

  “It’s a reason for that.”

  “Look, I know, I completely understand, and you have every right. I could never apologize to you enough about that, but I really thought, and wanted her to be yours, Ken. I went through hell after we broke up. I haven’t been the same since.” She said. I shook my head.

  “Here’s your meal, honey, have a good day.” The lady told me.

  “Thank you. It was good seeing you, Bri.” I stood to leave.

  “You still looking good, Ken.” She smirked.

  “Did you think something was gon’ change?” I asked, cockily.

  “You a mess ‘til this day, I see. But if you ever want to hang, or kick it, Ken, I’m always here.” She smirked, and wrote her number on a piece of paper. I nodded and headed out to my car. Seeing Bri did shake a nigga up a little, she was still looking good as fuck, but I loved the fuck outta Yanni Lee’s ass. She had a nigga wrapped, and ain’t even know it.

  When I got to the crib, I took a shower, and instantly passed out on the fucking couch. I woke up in the middle of the night, cause a nigga had to piss. When I got back to my bed, I checked my phone, knowing Yanni Lee was gon’ be pissed, cause a nigga ain’t tell her goodnight. I saw she had called me like ten times, and texted me. Reading her text messages, I chuckled. The last one read ‘okay nigga bet.’ I called her and she ain’t answer. I texted her I fell asleep and I would see her tomorrow. I went right back to sleep.

  The next day, I had to make sure my shit was straight. I was having a truck load of back to school backpacks delivered to the event. Yanni was starting a community thing, where she wanted to feed the kids, give them free school supplies, and shit. She was such a sweet heart, and I had no idea she was doing it, until damn near a week ago. She was sneaky as hell, but I loved her little ass. I was meeting her peoples tomorrow, and my pops said he was gon’ slide too.

  I had to run around early to make sure everything was good on my part. I knew Aliyanna was pissed, cause she ain’t call me or nothing this morning, and the event started at eleven. It was going on noon now, and I was finally headed there. My niggas told me it was packed like sardines, so that semi wasn’t gon’ happen. I packed two Suburban’s full of shit, and we pulled up on the grass, so we could unload. It was a lot of fucking people out here, I wasn’t expecting the turn out. Looks like she had brought the whole Michigan in this bitch.

  “Wassup, boss?” Some big nigga walked up to me with a t-shirt on that read ‘Security.’ I nodded, as he started unloading, and a couple of other niggas did as well. I was looking around for my baby, but I couldn’t find her anywhere.

  “Finally. Niggas is on yo girl head. She about to be a little celebrity after this shit. You right on time, she was just saying she wasn’t expecting all these people, and she might run out of backpacks.” Zell came up to me and said.

  “Where she at?” I asked.

  “She ove
r there, probably taking pictures.” Kenzo said. I headed to where they pointed, and spotted her fine ass. She must’ve taken her contacts out or something. She usually wore them throughout the day, but then put on her frames.

  “You’re so pretty, Miss Aliyanna.” I heard a little girl say to her. She smiled, and squatted down, picking her up. I just stood there watching her interact with people, until Shi pointed me out. I approached her, grabbing her up, and kissing her. She was fronting like she was mad.

  “Oh, you getting fresh with a nigga now?” I asked. She looked up at me with them pretty ass eyes.

  “Nah, you getting fresh with me!” She laughed.

  “I fell asleep, bae, my bad. A nigga been tired.” I kissed her, and she tongued me down.

  “Girl, you better stop, for I put you on this picnic table.” I told her.

  “Don’t threaten me with a good time. Here, get your t-shirt.” She smiled.

  “You on security duty and help monitor what’s going on. Make sure everything is okay.” She smirked.

  “Security?” I joked. She smiled and walked off. Shortly after I started securing the premises, she came up to me with this fine, older version of her, and tall, buff nigga, mugging the shit outta me.

  “Babe, I want you to meet my parents. This is my mother, Marleigh, and my father, Ali. Mom and Dad, meet my man, Kentrell Rockwell.” She smiled. I smirked, I loved when she said that shit, cause I had to correct her so many times about that boyfriend shit. I was a grown ass man.

  “Nice to meet you, beautiful, and Mr. Ray.” I shook his hand.

  “Nah, the pleasure is all mine. I know exactly who you are, young man! How did you and my daughter start dating?” Her dad asked, as if he was perplexed.

  “Ahhh, man. She ran me over in Miami, on her bike.” I laughed, thinking of her mean ass.

  “What? You never told me that.” Her momma said.

  “That’s because I told him not to tell people that. He actually came to my job, and was trying to get a bunch of pills, because he was sick.” She laughed. I shrugged.

  “So, you see my nerdy ass daughter at work, and you, Ken motherfucking Rockwell, decided to pursue her?” He said, like he was in disbelief.

  “I love my nerdy woman, and these thick glasses.” I pulled her closer to me. Her mother smiled.

  “You love my daughter? What’s your intentions with her?” She asked.

  “We getting married soon. That’s why if I didn’t meet y’all today, I was gon’ hunt y’all down myself. I don’t want nobody else but her.” I told her. They all looked shocked, even Aliyanna, because I had never told her that.

  “Well, we’re gonna have to see about that.” Her mom said.

  “Aliyanna, can you come take a picture with this lady real quick? She’s a host on the local radio station.” Shi came and grabbed Yanni. I told her go head, and I told her parents I was dead ass serious. Her pops acted like I was on some shady shit, but I let that nigga know I wasn’t that type of dude.

  Finally, around eight at night, we were headed out, and going to Kenzo’s crib to play cards and shit. We had gone home to change and shit before heading there. I had stopped to grab two bottles of Hennessey and drinks. I got back in the car, and before I could sit the shit in the backseat, Aliyanna held a receipt in my face.

  “What the fuck is this?” She asked.

  “Damn, how I’mma see if I got shit in my hand and you holding it so gotdamn close?” I started.

  “Don’t fucking play with me! BRI BRI?” She said, with distaste. I sat the stuff in the backseat.

  “Man, I forgot to toss that shit out last night.” I started.

  “So, you were with Bri Bri with hearts last night?”


  “Well, then how the hell this number get in here? Better yet, why is it still here?” She stressed.

  “I forgot to toss it out that night. Damn, I ain’t use it, nor do I ever plan on using it. I ran into my ex last night, and she was on some hit me up when you got time shit, and I curved her. That’s it, now stop yelling in my fucking face like you about to whoop my ass or some shit. You know that ain’t us, so relax.” I told her. She crossed her arms and legs facing the window. I chuckled and shook my head, before pulling off.

  We pulled up to the crib, and it was a couple of cars here. I got out, grabbed the bag, and was about to open the door for my woman, like usual, but she climbed out and strolled right past my ass. I locked my doors before catching up with her and snatching her ass back.

  “Don’t fucking play with me, Aliyanna. I’ll drop yo ass off back off at yo crib.” I told her, and she mugged me. As I walked through the door, she mumbled something about me trying to go see Bri Bri, and I turned around so damn quick.

  “Nigga, I almost shot yo ass!” Zell came around the corner yelling. She brushed passed me and walked into the kitchen. I shook my head.

  “Trouble in paradise?” He asked.

  “Man, fuck you. Take this to the kitchen, I gotta piss.” I told him, walking upstairs to the bathroom. I washed my hands, and when I got back downstairs, I saw my baby on the couch by herself. Soon as I was about to approach her, some goofy nigga popped in my spot, showing all his crooked ass teeth. I stood over that nigga, and he looked at me, before continuing his conversation. I snatched that lil ass nigga up out my seat, and he pushed his goofy ass, he fell.

  “Motherfucker, you saw me walk in with her, don’t play with me.” I told him.

  “Fuck, Ken, I ain’t even know that was you, bruh!” He got up, and quickly walked off. I sat down next to my shorty, and put my arm around her.

  “Kentrell, what the hell was all that about?” She frowned. I shrugged, and took her cup out her hand.

  “Fuck is you drinking?”

  “Henny and Coke.” She explained, with this worried expression on her face. Yanni Lee didn’t need to know that part of me, because it was in the past. I learned how to control my anger, but when motherfuckers was just blatantly disrespectful, that’s where I had a problem at. It wasn’t shit though. I kissed her cheek and neck and she mugged me.

  “Alright, fuck it.” I went to take my arm from around her, and she snatched me back.

  “Yeah, you better act right, for I give you some act right.” I leaned up against her soft ass and enjoyed my night, that was, until P came in.

  “What’s good, family?” P came in and yelled.

  “Who invited this goofy ass nigga?” I asked.

  “I did, nigga, just hear me out.” Zell started, but I shook my head nah. I stood up, cause me and my girl was outta this bitch.

  “I don’t need to hear shit, I already made myself clear.” I told him.

  “We meet again, huh, baby?” One of the bitches said, looking dead at me. I looked at her confused.

  “I know you, shorty?” I asked.

  “Oh, come on, Ken, you know me and my girl, Mylo, here.” She insisted.

  “Nah, refresh my memory.” I asked.

  “I can only do that if you pull your pants down.” She smirked. Her homegirl giggled, and she was high as hell, obviously.

  “Come on, baby, let’s go.” I told Yanni.

  “Looks like I fucked another one of your niggas, huh, princess?” The girl smirked.

  “Y’all still up to the same old tricks. Might want to find something else, and quick, because y’all both looking bad!” Yanni told her. I was confused as fuck.

  “Same old tricks? So are you, bitch, fucking niggas for money. I guess we in the same boat, SIS!” The high one spoke with anger.

  “Nah, we’ll never be in the same boat, boo! Y’all need to stop worrying about whose penis you can hop on and worry about being a better mother!” Yanni spat.

  “Bitch, don’t talk about my kids.” Mouth walked up, like she was gone swing. I grabbed Yanni’s ass, and damn near carried her to the front door. My girl wasn’t about to stand here and argue with no basic ass hoes, nor fight one. She had too much to lose.

  When we got
to the crib, and she explained everything to me about Mylo being her sister and jumping in on a fight between her and the girl. It was fucked up that my baby had been through so much bullshit, but I was gon’ make sure she was straight from here on out. No more fucking pain, if I had anything to do with it. I hated to see her mad, sad, or crying.

  She had went to sleep on me, but I was up thinking. It was some funny shit going on, and my trigger finger had been itching lately, and that let me know that I was about to have to catch a body soon. I just wondered who was about to bring the old Ken back.



  “It’s so hot down here.” Shi whined.

  “Tell me about it, girl. Thank God for these braids, because let me tell you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Girl, I should’ve listened to you.” Shi rolled her eyes. I laughed at her. We were in Las Vegas, for a potential business deal with the guys. It was Zell, Pierre, Kenzo, and of course, my baby, Kentrell. He was walking toward me with both of my bags and his.

  “Damn, I thought we were only staying five days?” Pierre asked.

  “You try telling her that.” Ken scoffed. I looked at him in shock. He was showing out.

  “Excuse you, mister.” I playfully stated.

  “I ain’t say shit, bae. Let’s get to the room, and out this damn heat.” Ken complained.

  There was a car service company waiting on us, there was a Benz waiting on Ken and I, while they got in a Cadillac Escalade. Ken opened my door, let me in, and helped the man fit all our bags in the trunk. I texted my mother that I made it, and she told me to have fun, and marry Ken while I was here, but then put just kidding. I shook my head at her silly self and stared at my man as he sat in the car on the phone. One thing about Ken was that he was about his business, and that turned me on so much.

  “Okay. Yes, sir, we’ll see you then.” He said goodbye, and then hung up the phone. I snuggled up against him.

  “What’s this meeting about again?” I asked.

  “I never did tell you about it, baby. But we trying to close on a deal to purchase this hotel and casino. That’ll be so clutch and being that I already have a chain of hotels, this shit would be icing on the cake.” He smiled.